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第二章 追逐和躲避







Chapter 2. Chasing and Evading

In this chapter we focus on the ubiquitous problem of chasing and evading. Whether you're developing a spaceship shooter, a strategy simulation, or a role-playing game, chances are you will be faced with trying to make your game's nonplayer characters either chase down or run from your player character. In an action or arcade game the situation might involve having enemy spaceships track and engage the player's ship. In an adventure role-playing game it might involve having a troll or some other lovely creature chase down your player's character. In first-person shooters and flight simulations you might have to make guided missiles track and strike the player or his aircraft. In any case, you need some logic that enables nonplayer character predators to chase, and their prey to run.

The chasing/evading problem consists of two parts. The first part involves the decision to initiate a chase or to evade. The second part involves effecting the chase or evasion—that is, getting your predator to the prey, or having the prey get as far from the predator as possible without getting caught. In a sense, one could argue that the chasing/evading problem contains a third element: obstacle avoidance. Having to avoid obstacles while chasing or evading definitely complicates matters, making the algorithms more difficult to program. Although we don't cover obstacle avoidance in this chapter, we will come back to it in Chapters 5 and 6. In this chapter we focus on the second part of the problem: effecting the chase or evasion. We'll discuss the first part of the problem—decision making—in later chapters, when we explore such topics as state machines and neural networks, among others.

The simplest, easiest-to-program, and most common method you can use to make a predator chase its prey involves updating the predator's coordinates through each game loop such that the difference between the predator's coordinates and the prey's coordinates gets increasingly small. This algorithm pays no attention to the predator and prey's respective headings (the direction in which they're traveling) or their speeds. Although this method is relentlessly effective in that the predator constantly moves toward its prey unless it's impeded by an obstacle, it does have its limitations, as we'll discuss shortly.

In addition to this very basic method, other methods are available to you that might better serve your needs, depending on your game's requirements. For example, in games that incorporate real-time physics engines you can employ methods that consider the positions and velocities of both the predator and its prey so that the predator can try to intercept its prey instead of relentlessly chasing it. In this case the relative position and velocity information can be used as input to an algorithm that will determine appropriate force actuation—steering forces, for example—to guide the predator to the target. Yet another method involves using potential functions to influence the behavior of the predator in a manner that makes it chase its prey, or more specifically, makes the prey attract the predator. Similarly, you can use such potential functions to cause the prey to run from or repel a predator. We cover potential functions in Chapter 5.

In this chapter we explore several chase and evade methods, starting with the most basic method. We also give you example code that implements these methods in the context of tile-based and continuous-movement environments.

作者:Mr.Greedy 发表时间:2006-4-1  [所属栏目:资料翻译] | [返回首页]
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