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Developers traditionally have been a bit wary of AI that is nondeterministic, although this is changing. Unpredictability is difficult to test and debug—how can you test all possible variations of player action to make sure the game doesn't do something silly in some cases? Game developers face an ever-shortening development cycle that makes developing and testing new technology to production-ready standards extremely difficult. Such short development periods make it difficult for developers to understand cutting-edge AI technologies fully and to see their implications in a mass-market commercial game.

At least until recently, another factor that has limited game AI development is the fact that developers have been focusing most of their attention on graphics quality. As it turns out, such focus on developing better and faster graphics techniques, including hardware acceleration, might now afford more resources to be allocated toward developing better, more sophisticated AI. This fact, along with the pressure to produce the next hit game, is encouraging game developers to more thoroughly explore nondeterministic techniques. We'll come back to this point a little later.

Established Game AI

Perhaps the most widely used AI technique in games is cheating. For example, in a war simulation game the computer team can have access to all information on its human opponents—location of their base; the types, number, and location of units, etc.—without having to send out scouts to gather such intelligence the way a human player must. Cheating in this manner is common and helps give the computer an edge against intelligent human players. However, cheating can be bad. If it is obvious to the player that the computer is cheating, the player likely will assume his efforts are futile and lose interest in the game. Also, unbalanced cheating can give computer opponents too much power, making it impossible for the player to beat the computer. Here again, the player is likely to lose interest if he sees his efforts are futile. Cheating must be balanced to create just enough of a challenge for the player to keep the game interesting and fun.

Of course, cheating isn't the only well-established AI technique. Finite state machines are a ubiquitous game AI technique. We cover them in detail in Chapter 9, but basically the idea is to enumerate a bunch of actions or states for computer-controlled characters and execute them or transition between them using if-then conditionals that check various conditions and criteria.

Developers commonly use fuzzy logic in fuzzy state machines to make the resulting actions somewhat less predictable and to reduce the burden of having to enumerate huge numbers of if-then rules. Rather than have a rule that states if distance = 10 and health = 100 then attack, as you might in a finite state machine, fuzzy logic enables you to craft rules using less precise conditions, such as if close and healthy then attack aggressively. We cover fuzzy logic in Chapter 10.

Effective and efficient pathfinding is a fundamental task that nonplayer characters must accomplish in all sorts of games. Nonplayer character units in a war simulation must be able to navigate over terrain and avoid barriers to reach the enemy. Creatures in a first-person shooter must be able to navigate through dungeons or buildings to reach or escape from the player. The scenarios are endless, and it's no wonder that AI developers give pathfinding tremendous attention. We cover general pathfinding techniques in Chapter 6 and the venerable A* algorithm in Chapter 7.

These are only a few of the established game AI techniques; others include scripting, rules-based systems, and some artificial life (A-life) techniques, to name a few. A-life techniques are common in robotic applications, and developers have adapted and used them with great success in video games. Basically, an A-life system is a synthetic system that exhibits natural behaviors. These behaviors are emergent and develop as a result of the combined effect of lower-level algorithms. We'll see examples of A-life as well as other techniques throughout this book.

作者:Mr.Greedy 发表时间:2006-3-26  [所属栏目:资料翻译] | [返回首页]
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