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人工智能 确定性 VS 不确定性







不确定性方法有学习能力而且有不可预见的游戏。进而游戏开发者不需要为关卡的所有行为精确的编写代码。不确定性方法可以自己学习和推断,他们的这种进化被称作紧急行为,或者在没有明确的指示下行动。 我们在书后讨论的棉屑和神经网络算法就是紧急行为很好的例子。

Deterministic Versus Nondeterministic AI
Game AI techniques generally come in two flavors: deterministic and nondeterministic.


Deterministic behavior or performance is specified and predictable. There's no uncertainty. An example of deterministic behavior is a simple chasing algorithm. You can explicitly code a nonplayer character to move toward some target point by advancing along the x and y coordinate axes until the character's x and y coordinates coincide with the target location.


Nondeterministic behavior is the opposite of deterministic behavior. Behavior has a degree of uncertainty and is somewhat unpredictable (the degree of uncertainty depends on the AI method employed and how well that method is understood). An example of nondeterministic behavior is a nonplayer character learning to adapt to the fighting tactics of a player. Such learning could use a neural network, a Bayesian technique, or a genetic algorithm.

Deterministic AI techniques are the bread and butter of game AI. These techniques are predictable, fast, and easy to implement, understand, test, and debug. Although they have a lot going for them, deterministic methods place the burden of anticipating all scenarios and coding all behavior explicitly on the developers' shoulders. Further, deterministic methods do not facilitate learning or evolving. And after a little gameplay, deterministic behaviors tend to become predictable. This limits a game's play-life, so to speak.

Nondeterministic methods facilitate learning and unpredictable gameplay. Further, developers don't have to explicitly code all behaviors in anticipation of all possible scenarios. Nondeterministic methods also can learn and extrapolate on their own, and they can promote so-called emergent behavior, or behavior that emerges without explicit instructions. The flocking and neural network algorithms we'll consider in this book are good examples of emergent behavior.

作者:Mr.Greedy 发表时间:2006-3-21  [所属栏目:资料翻译] | [返回首页]
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