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    能满足上面说的所有要求的被成为强人工智能(Strong AI)。不像强AI,弱AI包含了使机器拥有特定的智能的意图和技术了。游戏AI就属于弱AI里。



Defining AI

The question "what is artificial intelligence?" is not easy to answer. If you look up artificial intelligence in a dictionary, you'll probably find a definition that reads something like this: "The ability of a computer or other machine to perform those activities that are normally thought to require intelligence." This definition comes from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition (Houghton Mifflin Company). Still other sources define artificial intelligence as the process or science of creating intelligent machines.

From another perspective it's appropriate to think of AI as the intelligent behavior exhibited by the machine that has been created, or perhaps the artificial brains behind that intelligent behavior. But even this interpretation is not complete. To some folks, the study of AI is not necessarily for the purpose of creating intelligent machines, but for the purpose of gaining better insight into the nature of human intelligence. Still others study AI methods to create machines that exhibit some limited form of intelligence.

This begs the question: "what is intelligence?" To some, the litmus test for AI is how close it is to human intelligence. Others argue that additional requirements must be met for a machine to be considered intelligent. Some people say intelligence requires a conscience and that emotions are integrally tied to intelligence, while others say the ability to solve a problem requiring intelligence if it were to be solved by a human is not enough; AI must also learn and adapt to be considered intelligent.

AI that satisfies all these requirements is considered strong AI. Unlike strong AI, weak AI involves a broader range of purposes and technologies to give machines specialized intelligent qualities. Game AI falls into the category of weak AI.

作者:Mr.Greedy 发表时间:2006-3-16  [所属栏目:资料翻译] | [返回首页]
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