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第一章 游戏AI绪论


一些游戏开发者认为像导航这种任务也属于游戏AI的一部分。Steven Woodcock在他的"2003年游戏开发者会议AI圆桌会议主持人报告"提到一些游戏开发者仍然认为冲突检测属于游戏AI的一部分。 <BR /> <BR />

我们将要坚持游戏AI的广义的解释,它应该包括从简单的追逐和躲避,到模仿移动,到神经元网络和遗传算法。游戏AI在weak AI范围(参见工具条"AI的定义")有最好的解释。然而,在某中意义上你可以把游戏的AI想象成一个很广义的单词。 <BR /> <BR />
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In the broadest sense, most games incorporate some form of artificial intelligence (AI). For instance, developers have used AI for years to give seemingly intelligent life to countless game characters, from the ghosts in the classic arcade game Pac Man to the bots in the first-person shooter Unreal, and many others in between. The huge variety of game genres and game characters necessitates a rather broad interpretation as to what is considered game AI. Indeed, this is true of AI in more traditional scientific applications as well.

Some developers consider tasks such as pathfinding as part of game AI. Steven Woodcock reported in his "2003 Game Developer's Conference AI Roundtable Moderator's Report' that some developers even consider collision detection to be part of game AI

  • . Clearly, some wide-ranging interpretations of game AI exist.

    We're going to stick with a broad interpretation of game AI, which includes everything from simple chasing and evading, to pattern movement, to neural networks and genetic algorithms. Game AI probably best fits within the scope of weak AI (see the sidebar "Defining AI"). However, in a sense you can think of game AI in even broader terms.

    In games, we aren't always interested in giving nonplayer characters human-level intellect. Perhaps we are writing code to control nonhuman creatures such as dragons, robots, or even rodents. Further, who says we always have to make nonplayer characters smart? Making some nonplayer characters dumb adds to the variety and richness of game content. Although it is true that game AI is often called upon to solve fairly complex problems, we can employ AI in attempts to give nonplayer characters the appearance of having different personalities, or of portraying emotions or various dispositions—for example, scared, agitated, and so on.

    作者:Mr.Greedy 发表时间:2006-3-15  [所属栏目:资料翻译] | [返回首页]
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