Common study problems - and solutions

      转载内容 2004-10-1 18:34
Common study problems - and solutions

1. Many students face problems when they have to study a subject they think is difficult. Do you have this problem? Maybe the teacher speaks a little too fast; maybe you find it hard to understand some of the new words you have to learn. Maybe you don't find the subject very interesting. Perhaps you think the other students are all better than you! All these feelings are quite common.
2. Here is some advice which may help you: First of all, prepare for each class before it starts. Read something relevant to the subject of the class. This will help you to focus your attention on the subject, and help you to understand it better. Secondly, while your teacher is speaking, listen carefully. Do not worry if you do not understand everything. Write down quick notes. After class, copy out the notes more clearly. It helps to do this with a friend: two heads are better than one! Thirdly, talk about the class both before, and afterwards, with your friends. Try to focus on the main points covered. This makes the work easier to understand and remember.

Make sure that when you study some of the physical conditions are right. For example, having enough light is important. A quiet environment is also important.

3. Students often find it hard to understand some of the books they have to read. Many learners try to understand a text by understanding every single word in it. This is not always necessary. Often you can understand the main points without understanding every single word.

4. If you meet a new word and you are not sure what it means, follow these steps:
1 Try to infer the new word from the way it is used.
2 Then without wasting any more time, carry on reading.
3 If necessary, come back to the word later.
4 If you think the word is not important, ignore it.
5 If you think the word is important, look it up in a dictionary.

5. Do you find it hard to remember what you have been studying? This problem is very common, especially when you are starting a new subject for the first time. Starting in a new college, or starting on a subject new to you, can be an added burden: There are so many other things you have to learn, and remember, as well!

6. If you have this problem, you will find that making notes can help - both in class, and while reading on your own. We shall look at examples later in this unit. However, don't forget to read through your notes later from time to time. It pays to refresh your memory!

7. Many students find they do not have enough time to do all their work. This problem is also very common. The main problem is usually reading: many students complain about how much they have to read! In this book you will find many suggestions on how to read more efficiently, and these should help to make the burden of reading lighter.

8. For now, we will just say two things. First, if you have too much to read, you will have to learn to read faster! This course will give you some practice in this skill. Secondly, you also need to learn to read more efficiently. Later in this book we shall give you some practice in reading more efficiently.

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