Usability and design are two fields that collide more often than not. But why is that? Why can’t we all just get along and center our efforts around delivering a better product, a top-notch Web site or a user-friendly interface. Everybody would benefit from an open-minded, reciprocal understanding. Right?
Designers and user researchers need to communicate effectively, with mutual appreciation, in order to achieve an optimal outcome. In my opinion, as expressed earlier, user researchers need to have an understanding of fundamental design principles such as typography, emphasis, style, layout, composition, color, perspective, space, placement and size. As a designer, I would be more willing to listen carefully if I knew user researchers valued and understood my point of view, as well as understanding the constraints I face with regard to technology, business, and integrity of design. I sincerely hope that a majority of designers, including myself, will get the opportunity—after a usability study—to sit down with researchers and cooperatively work toward the best solution.
这是一个比较高层次的话题了,国内很少有网站运营公司仔细考虑 Usability, 并找人做user research的。 不过作为一个DESIGNER,我觉得这文章写的正是我想说的话。
1。User Research Is Not Design 用户调查的结果,只是原始数据,就算用户希望用什么颜色,或者什么版式,那也只是原始需求信息,是需要DESIGNER在理解的基础上重新设计过的,设计一种更合理更巧妙的方式来满足用户需求的。
2。Design Is Not Optional 设计不是可有可无的。当需求的雏形,DEMO什么的已经确定的情况下,DESIGNER做的并是只是美化页面(这是我们多年来的误区)。是需要用设计的表现手法来突出需求的层次,明确流程的主次,来帮助用户完成任务。
最终 Designers and user researchers 怎么来合作,文章的最后一段话已经讲得很清楚了。
Designers and user researchers need to communicate effectively, with mutual appreciation, in order to achieve an optimal outcome. In my opinion, as expressed earlier, user researchers need to have an understanding of fundamental design principles such as typography, emphasis, style, layout, composition, color, perspective, space, placement and size. As a designer, I would be more willing to listen carefully if I knew user researchers valued and understood my point of view, as well as understanding the constraints I face with regard to technology, business, and integrity of design. I sincerely hope that a majority of designers, including myself, will get the opportunity—after a usability study—to sit down with researchers and cooperatively work toward the best solution.
这是一个比较高层次的话题了,国内很少有网站运营公司仔细考虑 Usability, 并找人做user research的。 不过作为一个DESIGNER,我觉得这文章写的正是我想说的话。
1。User Research Is Not Design 用户调查的结果,只是原始数据,就算用户希望用什么颜色,或者什么版式,那也只是原始需求信息,是需要DESIGNER在理解的基础上重新设计过的,设计一种更合理更巧妙的方式来满足用户需求的。
2。Design Is Not Optional 设计不是可有可无的。当需求的雏形,DEMO什么的已经确定的情况下,DESIGNER做的并是只是美化页面(这是我们多年来的误区)。是需要用设计的表现手法来突出需求的层次,明确流程的主次,来帮助用户完成任务。
最终 Designers and user researchers 怎么来合作,文章的最后一段话已经讲得很清楚了。