[经典音乐歌曲]que Sera, Sera

      音乐推荐 2004-8-17 13:39:00
说起歌名,不光你不知道,我也不知道,但是如果你听过后就会想起这首老歌,估计这个歌曲可以和 yesterday once more 有一拼。刚刚开始接触西方流行音乐的人大多会听过这首歌曲,可能是在一些早期的学英语栏目中。



Que Sera Sera
by Doris Day

Album :
Submitted by : Lisa Taylor
Corrected by : Amy

When I was just a little girl,
I asked my mother, 'What will I be?
'Will I be pretty?
'Will I be rich?'
Here's what she said to me:

'Que sera, sera,
'Whatever will be, will be;
'The future's not ours to see.
'Que sera, sera,
'What will be, will be.'

When I grew up and fell in love,
I asked my sweetheart, 'What lies ahead?
'Will we have rainbows
'day after day?'
Here's what my sweetheart said:

'Que sera, sera,
'Whatever will be, will be;
'The future's not ours to see.
'Que sera, sera,
'What will be, will be.'

Now I have children of my own,
They ask their mother, 'What will I be?
'Will I be handsome?
'Will I be rich?'
I tell them tenderly:

'Que sera, sera,
'Whatever will be, will be;
'The future's not ours to see.
'Que sera, sera,
'What will be, will be.'

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