
      没计 2007-2-22 12:55:00

插班生日志 发现的好文章,转过来一起好好学习一下LOGO的设计趋势

2007 Logo Design Trends


11 trends that will define Logo design in 2007

Everyone wants to set the curve when it comes to style. No one wants to design out of a book of trends, but nevertheless, they emerge.
Take a peek at the following 11 Logo design trends that we think will define the look of 2007.




1. Talk Boxes

This is an outgrowth of last year's trend, even though these boxes have been around a few years now.

We don't quite know who's doing the talking, but whoever it is, their bubble is popping up all over. This Logo symbolizes communication, whether it be from the company or between its customers. LifeLogger, for instance, uses a speech bubble with a smile in it to illustrate how users can communicate through them to friends. They continue the use of three-dimensional speech bubbles in creating avatars for their users, as illustrated to the right.

In this way, the idea of communication represents the person themselves, showing the importance of contact.

1. 对话泡泡


我们搞不懂是谁在说话,但管它是谁呢,反正满处都是冒的这些泡泡。这个符 号象征着沟通,无论是来自企业还是他们的客户之间。LifeLogger(生活的记录者)网站,是一个例证,用泡泡和微笑符号来说话,表明用户可以用什么 样的方式和他们的朋友来交流。 他们继续使用立体的对话泡泡来为用户创造神话,就像右边那个泡泡。



2. Clouds

Everyone remembers a time when they laid on their back in the grass, staring at the clouds daydreaming or finding images in their puffs.

Clouds are a powerful Logo, conjuring imagery of dreams, creativity and playfulness. Sometimes clouds are combined with thought bubbles to invoke feelings of dreaminess. The clouds can be a 3D bubble or take on a flat feeling. Many of these cloud Logos represent new ideas, hence the thought bubble. Many "clouds" came from new businesses on the internet, certainly a place for dreamers. Some, also include imagery of the sun, which evokes a feeling of a new dawn.

2. 云状物




3. Reflections

Mirror, mirror, on the wall, what's the hottest trend of all? It might just be reflections. With Apple leading the way, looking like all their graphics were set on a shiny table, others are sure to follow. Dubbed by some as ?the new drop shadow,? reflections are taking over, especially on the web. The reflections might be skewed, such as in the Logo for blinklist, indicating the location of some light source, invisible to the onlooker, but effective in creating even more of a sense of a whole different world the Logo is in.

3. 反射效果(镜像效果)

魔镜魔镜告诉我,什么是最热的潮流啊? 它可能就是“反射效果”。苹果最先开始倡导的,把什么东西都弄得好像放在光滑闪亮的桌面上,其他人就开始跟风。有人给它起了个绰号叫什么来着?“新的下拉 阴影”(意思和以前的“下拉阴影”效果一样满天飞)。 “反射效果”全面霸占,尤其是在网上。反射效果可以是不对称的,就像 blinklist 的Logo一样,弄出一些光的效果却让你找不到光源,但对于创造拥有更多“完全不同的世界”感觉的Logo是有效而时尚的。


4. Rectangle

In a graphic world where you can do nearly anything, some companies are keeping it simple with shaded rectangles. Their Logo, in a contrasting white, pops out from the background. Shadow boxes have historically been a sign of amateurish design, but this new generation of effective Logos has shown that good design will always be in style. With the popularity of rounded corners, these Logos stand out with (oh no!) sharp edges and right angles. In some occasions, such as with the blurb Logo, the rectangle can represent an image. Blurb used their blue shadow behind their name to symbolize a book, as they are in the book publishing business.

4. 长方形

在图形世界里,你几乎可以做任何事情,但有些公司只使用简单的带边框的长方形。他们的Logo,从高反差的白色背景上“跳”出来。相框一样的长方形 容易给人“业余设计水平”的感觉,但是新生的有活力的这些Logo,表明了好的设计永远都是有品味的。与人气极旺的圆角风格同时,这些Logo因有着锐利 的边缘和适当的倾斜角度而特别显眼(不是吧!)。在某些场合,就像 Blurb的Logo,长方形可以用于扮演一个形象。Blurb 用蓝色的图形放在名字后面来代表一本书,因为他们做的是图书出版业务。


5. 3d Puffies

With these new puffed-up Logos, you don't know whether to click on them or bounce on them. Now that the industry has overcome the production issues of gradients, designers seem to prefer air-popped graphics to the flat drawings of yore. Even desktop icons these days seem to have a rounded feel, like you might pop one with one good hard double-click. It's a 2D world out there in Internet land, and these 3D images really make Web pages and Logos jump out of the page, to where you feel you could run your hands over the computer screen and feel their bumps and curves.

5. 立体发泡物

这些新出现的圆鼓鼓发泡Logo,让你搞不懂到底是在上面点击还是在上面弹跳。自从工业生产克服了“渐变色”的难题,设计师们就似乎热衷于将“立体 弹出”的图像加到以往的平面图样中。甚至桌面图标在最近也看起来有圆乎乎的感觉,就像你用力一点击它就会弹得老高。二维的世界已经从互联网走开了,三维的 图像的确让网页和Logo“跳出”页面,进入一个你可以用手指满屏幕去感觉那些凹凸不平和曲线的新世界。


6. Hot Dogs

These cute little Tic Tacs of color are popping up all over the design world. Like many abstract symbols, the hot dogs can be used to mean many different things. Sometimes they denote movement or sound, such as in the Logo for Snap. These lines, reminiscent of those drawn out of shocked cartoon people by children everywhere, can denote an idea, a feeling or a literal meaning. But no matter how they're used in design, they are a powerful symbol of an upbeat emotion.

6. 热狗肠

这些色彩和弹出的可爱小把戏遍布了整个设计界。像许多抽象符号一样,热狗肠可以用来表示许多不同的东西。又是他们表示声音或运动的 警示,就像Snap的Logo里那样。那些辐射的线条,让人想起随处可见的小孩子画的 大吃一惊的 卡通人物。它能表示一种想法,一种感觉或者只是一种 字面上的意义。但不管它们用在设计中是为什么,它们都是一种有强烈表现力的符号来象征 乐观的态度。


7. Transmission beam

With satellite tv and radio and wireless everything all the rage in the new millennium, a transmission beams are a quick way to show that they are on the cutting edge of technology. Many companies who use this Logo trend deal in internet information. Part of what many of these companies are doing on the internet is taking user (or customer) information and sharing it with the world. The transmission beam, starting with a single dot (to represent the user), shows their ideas spreading out. It's the perfect symbol for publishing companies or blog sites.

7. 发射电波

卫星电视,电台和无线的东东在新纪元里遍地开花,用发射电波是最快捷方式来表明他们是站在科技的最前沿。用这种Logo的许多公司都在做互联网信息 生意。他们中间有许多公司做的是在互联网上获取用户(客户)资料然后分享给全世界。无线电波,始发于一个“点”(代表用户),体现他们的理念在传播。对于 出版公司和博

8. People

AOL's little man has some company, with others creating buddies to include in their Logos. For companies that bring people together, these genderless little people are shown in pairs or groups. They provide a visual indicator of coming together. Others show just one of these symbols, usually as an avatar for their customer. Anyone looking for other people can be sure they've found them when they see a Logo with a buddy.

8. 人形

美国在线的“小人”已有了几个军团,和其他正在创建的好友一起都归属在它的Logo旗下。军团将人聚在一起,把这些搞不清性别的人成对或成组排列。 他们为“聚在一起”提供了这样一个视觉指示。有些公司的Logo只展示符号中的一个,这通常作为他们客户的偶像。任何想找人的人,当他们看到有这个 Logo的哥们,就能确信自己可以找到队伍。

9. Transparency

Transparency is still hot. Again, many may gasp as the mere though of using a shadow, but this updated version is nothing like the shadow boxes that have plagued generic design. These Logos invoke images of blending together. Some, like the two transmission bubbles that seem to be popping out the little people in the BlueDot Logo, can symbolize communication, or a sort of overlapping and blending of ideas. Others are a Venn diagram, showing where the company fits, such as Zopa.

9. 透明效果

透明效果仍旧热门。强调一下,很多人的需求只不过是加上个相框样的东东,但是这个“升级版”一点都不象相框那样是令人厌倦的普通设计。这些Logo 让图像混合在一起。有些,象是两个传送的泡泡,它们看起来象是要把“小人”弹出来(见BlueDot的Logo),它可以象征沟通,或者 观念的混合 和 重叠的排序。另外的看起来象“交集图”(Venn diagram),展现出什么是公司的业务范围,就像 Zopa。

10. Outlines

(I think this is another way to add sophistication, 3d effect to a Logo)

Many are finding that nothing brings a Logo to the next level like a professionally done outline. These surrounding lines or shades can simply run around the text or seem to encapsulate it in a bubble, as seen in the picturecloud.com Logo. These outlines can take text and make it seem as though it's one unit. Nicely done, these effects add sophistication and a third dimension to Logos.

10. 轮廓线


很多人发现,没有什么比用轮廓线更能使Logo看起来显得专业。这些环绕 着的线或者框可以直接用在文字的周围或是看起来象塑封在一个泡泡里,就像在picturecloud.com 的Logo里一样。这些轮廓线能让文字看起来就像是一个整体。干得漂亮,这些效果的确给Logo锦上添花并有了立体感。

11. Punctuation

From smiley faces to complex illustrations, every day punctuation has gained a new life in the tech typing world of the internet. While some used to only be used to denote the f-word, they're now used in the young on-line world on instant messaging, e-mailing and teen-speak in general. Now, these symbols have jumped out of instant messaging and onto billboards as of late, with their meanings left to the imagination of customers.

11. 标点符号

从笑脸图案到复杂插图,在互联网的文字输入世界里,标点符号每天都会获得新生。当某些人习惯于只用 F-word(粗俗语言,Fxxk字头的词汇)来表达时,它们现在就被年轻人用在即时聊天,E-Mail和小青年们的日常对话里。现在这些符号从即时聊天 软件和聊天室里蹦出来,带着它们的涵义留给用户无限的想像空间。



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