dreamweaver jdbc_conn

      java 2004-9-21 11:48
Using JDBC connections

Macromedia Dreamweaver UltraDev recognizes many standard JDBC drivers. When a driver is recognized, it becomes accessible in the driver pop-up menu in the Connections dialog box. The recognition of JDBC drivers varies between the Windows and Macintosh platforms. Connection strings and drivers will vary depending upon the database. Please check the database vendor documentation for specific connection strings and driver information. Several examples of JDBC connections are listed below.

Dreamweaver UltraDev on the windows platform has a folder named JDBCDrivers. Most drivers placed in this folder will be recognized by UltraDev. Drivers located in the system CLASSPATH will also be recognized. values can be added to the CLASSPATH system variable as follows:
1 On the NT desktop, right-click the 'My Computer' icon to access the context menu. Select Properties from the pop-up menu. Then, select the Environment tab.

The Environment tab appears:

2 In the System Variables list, select the CLASSPATH variable if it exists. If the CLASSPATH variable doesn't exist, select any other variable.

3 In the Variable text box, make sure CLASSPATH appears. If you selected another variable in step 2 above, delete its name and enter CLASSPATH.

Note: The initial variable will be unaffected and will continue to be listed in System Variables.

4 In the value text box, enter the path to the driver.

Note: If the CLASSPATH variable already exists, place a semicolon at the end of the the path. Next, append the new path after the semicolon.

Note: Dreamweaver UltraDev must be restarted for driver recognition to occur.

Dreamweaver UltraDev will recognize most standard JDBC drivers when they are placed in the MRJ classpath. The path is typically Hard Drive: System Folder: Extensions: MRJ Libraries: MRJ Classes:. After placing a driver in the MRJ Classes folder, it is necessary to restart the system in order for it to recognize the JDBC drivers.

Windows/Macintosh - JDBC Connections:
For more information on Windows JDBC connections, search for JDBC drivers on the Sun Web site, or contact the database vendor for a JDBC driver.
When connecting on the Macintosh platform, most type 4 JDBC drivers can be used instead of the RMI JDBC driver.

Sun JDBC-ODBC Bridge
Note: To use this driver, you must first install the JSP update.
Type: JDBC

Driver: sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver


URL Format: JDBC:ODBC:[data source name]

Note: To use this driver, you must first install the JSP update.
Type: JDBC

Driver: com.ms.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver

URL: JDBC:ODBC:dsn=pubs;UID=Ingmar;PWD=Bergman;

URL Format: JDBC:ODBC:dsn=[data source name];UID=[user name];PWD=[password];

Oracle Thin Driver
Type: JDBC

Driver: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver

Username: Orson

Password: Welles

URL: jdbc:oracle:thin:@

URL Format: jdbc:oracle:thin:@[host]:[port]:[database]

Inet Driver
Type: JDBC

Driver: com.inet.tds.TdsDriver

Username: Alfred

Password: Hitchcock

URL: jdbc:inetdae:

URL Format: jdbc:inetdae:[host]:[port]?database=[database]


Driver: RmiJdbc.RJDriver

Username: Charlie


URL: jdbc:rmi://mothra.macromedia.com/jdbc:odbc:ScaalCoffee

URL Format: jdbc:rmi://[host]/jdbc:odbc:[data source name]


Driver: org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver

Username: David


URL: jdbc:mysql://

URL Format: jdbc:mysql://[host]:[port]/[database]


Driver: COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.net.DB2Driver

Username: db2admin


URL: jdbc:db2//machine_name/SAMPLE

URL Format: jdbc:db2://[host]:[port]/[database]


Driver: com.pervasive.jdbc.v2.Driver

Username: username


URL: jdbc:pervasive://machine-name:1583/Demodata

URL Format: jdbc:pervasive://[host]:[port]/[database]

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