Eavesdropping: New Year's Resolutions

      ENGLISH 2006-1-13 11:41


New Year’s is a time when people wipe the slate clean so they can better themselves over the next year. Many people make New Year’s resolutions – promises to change or improve something about their lives. Most people promise to get rid of the spare tire and start eating healthier.

Kevin and Dave are talking about New Year’s resolutions. Have a listen.


Kevin:  What are the typical sort of things people do? It’s losing weight, diets, better exercise.

Dave:  Yeah, because gym memberships really spike on the first of the year.

Kevin:  Um.

Dave:  That’s about it, right? Lose weight, exercise.

Kevin:  I mean, it might be, you know, ‘I’m going to take a class,’ or something like that.

Dave:  Yeah.

Kevin:  For the most part, it’s related to undoing all the over-indulgence from the past month and a half.

Dave:  Right, right. And no one ever follows through. That’s the funny thing.

Kevin:  Have you ever made one?

Dave:  You know, I think I’ve made them but I’ve never followed through. Because, I’ve never felt I need to lose weight, I exercise regularly: those are the big ones. I guess I could do something new, like, turn over a new leaf and, I don’t know.

Kevin:  I suppose I could cut back on the booze sometimes, frankly, you know? Maybe I just don’t want to do that.

Dave:  Right. So, as long as you’re living your life the way you want.

Kevin:  And, if I were piling on the pounds or something, I might.


My resolution this year is to be more optimistic in my life. Sometimes I spend a lot of time worrying, which can be real downer. But not any more. Come the New Year, I’m going to start seeing the bright side of things.

How about you? Do you have any resolutions for the New Year?


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