Music: Inspirational Music

      ENGLISH 2006-1-13 11:3


Music has always been a source of inspiration for people. It helps usovercome sorrow, pushes us to work harder, and makes us feel cheerful or reflective. Music is very powerful.

Listen to Miguel and Joe talk about the music that inspires them.


Miguel:  Hey, Joe. I just bought the, uh, soundtrack to that movie Magnolia. Have you heard it?

Joe:  No. Is that soundtrack good?

Miguel:  Yeah, it’s really good! It has that one song, Dreams, on there, you know, like, “Dreams can come true, so on, so on…”

Joe:  Seems like I remember it, but I can’t remember who sings it.

Miguel:  Yeah. It’s this woman named, uh, Gabrielle, or something. I don’t think she had a lot of other popular songs, but that one song is awesome.

Joe:  Yeah, that is a pretty cool song. You know that reminds me of this other song that’s real inspirational that I listen to.

Miguel:  What’s that?

Joe:  It came out a while ago – back in the 80’s – but it’s called “We Are The World.”

Miguel:  Oh really? That is an inspirational song. I used to try to play that song on the piano.

Joe:  Oh really?

Miguel:  Yeah, I remember that song, it had like all those people, Michael Jackson, Cyndi Lauper, Stevie Wonder.

Joe:  Yeah. Bruce Springsteen, Rod Stewart.

Miguel:  Oh yeah. It was all, like, the popular artists back then, right?

Joe:  Yeah, it sure was. All those people were real positive and every time I hear that song it, it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Miguel:  It lifts you up right? It’s totally like that because all those people came together to, like, you know, try to help – it was feed children or something right?

Joe:  Yeah, it was, it was all about feeding children and just both of those songs seem real inspirational.

Miguel:  Yeah, I totally agree. Those are the songs that I play when I, I need a pick-me-up.


When I’m jogging I like to listen to hip hop or, sometimes, hard rock music. The steady rhythm of hip hop music helps me keep my pace, and hard rock makes me want to run faster and harder. Music by Bob Dylan and Pink Floyd makes me very reflective, and music by Franz Ferdinand and The Shins makes me want to dance. Britney’s music usually just makes me sick. ;)

What kind of music inspires you?


feel all warm and fuzzy inside

expr. feel happy, have feelings of sweetness and love, have a warm heart

I love talking to my grandmother. She is the nicest person. When she tells me she loves me I feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

lifts you up

expr. makes you feel good, raises your spirits, makes you happy

When your team wins, it lifts you up. You want to celebrate.


expr. something that makes me feel good, something that raises my spirits

When I'm feeling down I like to eat ice cream. It's a pick-me-up, and it makes me feel a lot better.


adj. regular or consistent; reliable

He has a steady habit of being late for work.


n. something that gives positive energy; something that promotes action, thought and/or feeling

That book was an inspiration to me. After I read it, I totally changed my life for the better.


v. beat, conquer, end

I used to be scared of heights. I didn't like to be in tall buildings. However, I was able to overcome that fear.


n. grief, sadness, distress, pain

I've been full of sorrow since my dad died. I really loved him.

I've been full of sorrow since my dad died. I really loved him.


adj. thoughtful about the past; thinking deeply about yourself and your life

I get very reflective when I drink red wine.


n. the music played in a movie

The soundtrack to the movie "Moulin Rouge" is really good. There is a song by Christina Aguilera that I love.

The soundtrack to the movie "Moulin Rouge" is really good. There is a song by Christina Aguilera that I love.

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