The Christmas season can be very hectic. People are running around buying this and that, baking holiday goodies, digging their cars out from under the snow.
Sometimes I get a bit wound up with all the hustle and bustle. That’s when I turn on the Christmas music and relax.
Listen to Kevin and Dave chat about Christmas tunes.
Dave: I got up this morning and was listening to National Public Radio for a while, but I thought, ’you know, it’s Christmas time, I need to feel a little bit more festive.’
Kevin: Oh, I don’t know how I feel about those stations.
Dave: Really? You don’t like Christmas music?
Kevin: Well, I like Christmas music, but I don’t know that I would just tune into a station. I mean, If I want to listen to it I’ll put on a CD.
Dave: Yeah, I don’t have any CDs, though. You know, I’m kind of a cheapskate like that.
Kevin: Well, we know that, I was in a friend’s car the other day and, sure enough, that’s what she put on. Oh, she was all excited.
Dave: See, I like it, though. Christmas music really cheers me up.
Kevin: It is, I mean, it is fun, it’s festive. You know, it, it’s nice to hear, but it’s not something I would tune into all day long.
Christmas music reminds me of being young, shaking Christmas presents beneath the tree. One of my favorite songs as a child was the children’s version of “Jingle Bells.” It’s still very popular among children.
Jingle Bells(Children’s version)
Jingle bells, Batman smells
Robin laid an egg
Lost its wheel
And Joker got away—Hey!
Adj. joyful, happy, having a positive feeling, seeming like a party
Our spring party is always one of the most festive parties of the year.
Tune into
Expr. Listen to, especially on a radio; pay attention or listen closely
n. someone who doesn’t spend money or does everyting cheaply
My dad is a cheapskate. For my birthday, he only gave me five bucks!
Adj. Very busy; many things to do
Yesterday was so hectic. I had four meetings, a hair-cut appointment, and a date with my girlfriend.
n. treats; candy, cookies, etc;gifts
Santa left us all kinds of goodies-candy bars and suckers.
Wound up
Adj. Stressed out or uptight
Geez, you’re so wound up. Let me give you a massage.
Hustle and bustle
Expr. Rushing around, really busy
I don’t miss the hustle and bustle of working in my old office.
National Public Radio
n. a non-profit radio station, similar to the BBC, also known as NPR
Did you hear the report on National Public Radio this morning?