Flash Communication Server配置翻译系列(4)

      FCS 2005-7-8 10:0
Flash Communication Server配置翻译系列(4)
By 西沉 2005-6-13

Typical configurations
Flash Communication Server can be used in a variety of different ways, with different
可以通过多种途径使用Flash Communication Server。
configurations. In most cases, the server will be used in conjunction with a web server. As
described in Managing the Server, applications that run on Flash Communication Server consist of
象在Managing the Server描述的那样,运行在Flash Communication Server上的应用程序由
clients developed in Macromedia Flash MX (SWF files); directories on the server register the
application on the server and contain streams and scripts used by the application.
Your web server is responsible for serving the SWF client files and the HTML pages in which they
are embedded. In addition, you may use an application server in conjunction with your web server
and Flash Communication Server to incorporate database or other features into your communication applications.
If you are running Flash Communication Server on a UNIX system, you must also have a Windows
如果你的Flash Communication Server运行在UNIX系统下,你必须要有安装有FLASH MX
or Macintosh computer with Flash MX to create Flash Communication Server applications. Your
的windows系统或Macintosh系统的计算机来创建Flash Communication Server应用程序。
client-side files (SWF and HTML files) for your applications can reside on the Flash Communication
你的客户端文件(SWF和HTML文件)可以部署在装有Flash Communication Server的计算
Server computer or another computer, depending on where your web server is installed. Your
source files and server-side scripts (ASC, FLA, FSO, and FLV files) must reside on the UNIX
你的源文件和服务端脚本必须部署运行Flash Communication Server的电脑上。
computer where Flash Communication Server is running.
The following diagrams illustrate some typical deployment scenarios.
Development During the development process, you may choose to use one computer with a web
开发过程中,你可以利用同时安装有Flash Communication Server,网页服务器和Flash MX的
server, -Flash Communication Server, and Flash MX installed.

The web root directory in this scenario would contain all the components of your applications, such
as the application's FLA, SWF, HTML, script, stream and shared object files. This setup provides a
simple working environment for designing and testing your applications.
For security reasons, this configuration is not recommended for deployment. In deployment, your
FLA, script, stream, and shared object files would not be stored in the web root directory. This
你的FLA, script, stream, and 共享对象等文件不能保存在网站根目录下。
configuration is possible only if you have installed Flash Communication Server for Windows.
这种配置仅适用于在windows系统下安装的Flash Communication Server。
Deployment: one computer A relatively simple deployment scenario consists of one computer
简单部署在一台电脑上安装网页服务器,Flash Communication Server MX,防火墙,为服务器
with a web server, Flash Communication Server MX, and a firewall installed. The firewall provides
security for the server computer and the rest of your local network.
In this and any other deployment scenario, the
server-side files (ASCs), the audio/video files (FLVs), and the source files (FLAs) should not reside in the web server's published directories. These files should be located in your registered
这些文件必须保存在Flash Communication Server目录applications中注册的应用程序文件夹
application directory within the applications directory in the Flash Communication Server directory

(or, if you changed this location, the directory in the <AppsDir> tag in the Vhost.xml file). The web
server's web root directory should contain only the HTML and SWF files for your applications.
Deployment: two computers In this scenario the Flash Communication Server and application
server are on two separate computers. This allows for more separation of files and functions and
more processor bandwidth. The web server computer can also host an application server if your
situation requires one.
If you are running Flash
如果你的Flash Communication Server运行在UNIX系统,
Communication Server on a UNIX system, you might also use this configuration for development
你也可以利用这种部署,在这种情况下,你可以把Flash MX安装在Windows系统或Macintosh
purposes, in which case you would also install Flash MX for Windows or Macintosh on the web
server computer.
Deployment: two computers with authentication via Flash Communication Server Some scenarios may require authentication of users who want to access information on an application
server. In this case you may want to use a separate computer for Flash Communication Server MX,
在这种情况下,需要用不同的电脑分阁Flash Communication Server MX和Application
and another for the web server and application server. Your Flash Communication Server can
Server. Flash Communication Server Mx可以从Application Server那获得数据来鉴别
perform the authentication and then retrieve data from the web/application server. This scenario
requires the developer to create server-side scripts to perform these functions.

Deployment: two computers with authentication via an application server You may decide
你可能需要在用户连接你的Flash Communication Server前对用户鉴别。
to have users authenticated before they are allowed to connect to your Flash Communication Server. In this scenario, users connect first to the web/application server. If they are authenticated,
这种情况下首先连接Application Server取得票据,
the application server creates a ticket that the user then uses to connect to the Flash Communication Server. The Flash MX communication application must be designed to check for
Flash MX communication application鉴别票据,决定是否允许连接。
these tickets, typically with server-side scripts.

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