Flash Communication Server配置翻译系列(1)

      FCS 2005-7-8 9:56
Flash Communication Server配置翻译系列(1)
By 西沉 2005-6-13

Understanding basic server settings

When Flash Communication Server is first installed, it's configured in a generic way so that you can
当第一次安装Flash Communication Server,他保持一般的配置使你能够运行简单的客户端程
begin using it with the sample client applications. You should become familiar with this
序。你必须非常熟悉Flash Communication Server的配置文件,通过对他的配置来满足的你configuration so that you can make decisions about how to change it to suit your needs.
The server is installed with a set of configuration files in XML format. These files define a default
Flash Communication Server的配置文件以XML格式保存,该文件定义了默认的server adaptor
server adaptor, a default applications directory, default server administrators, and default settings
for application behavior.
The default server adaptor uses port 1935, the number assigned to Flash Communication Server
默认server adaptor使用1935端口,该端由Internet Assigned Numbers Authority分配给
by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority. Although you can use any port number, this increases
Flash Communication Server使用。尽管你可以使用其他任意的端口,这可能会增大与其他程
the risk of conflicting with another application that may be assigned to the same port; for example,
if you configure the server to use port 80 to support HTTP tunneling, the server might not run both
a web server and the Flash Communication Server bound to port 80. Applications must be authored
to connect to the same port the server is using, in the NetConnection.connect statement. Be sure
the port is not blocked by a firewall.
The server is preconfigured with one adaptor containing one virtual host. The virtual host is
服务器被配置成一个adaptor包含一个虚拟主机(virtual host.)。相当于一个域名。
equivalent to a domain name. The default applications directory for the default virtual host is the
默认虚拟主机应用程序文件夹在Flash Communication Server的安装目录下。
the applications directory in the Flash Communication Server directory. You can view this location
by looking at the value for the <AppsDir> tag in the vhost.xml file. This directory is where the
server will look for application subdirectories at startup; you must place an application subdirectory
here for each client application that you plan to connect to the server, and the client subdirectory
must have the same name as the client application. The presence of the application subdirectory
registers the application with the server.
If you installed the sample applications, the applications directory includes sample applications
that are provided to illustrate the essential capabilities of the server. The server-side files for each
sample application reside in its self-named directory in the applications directory. The SWF files for
the sample applications are located in the samples subdirectory of either the web publishing

directory or the installation directory.
You can add adaptors and virtual hosts and change the location of the applications directory by
你可以添加adaptors和virtual hosts,改变应用程序的本地路径,通过编辑服务器配置文件。
editing the server's configuration files and creating directories in the server's conf directory. For
在服务器配置目录中创建文件夹。更多信息,见Configuring Flash Communication Server。
more information, see Configuring Flash Communication Server.
The default server administrator has the user name and password you chose during the Flash
Communication Server installation, and is defined in the Server.xml configuration file. The server
administrator can connect to the Admin service with the Administration Console and perform a
variety of server administration tasks, including shutting down the server and disconnecting client applications. (In the nomenclature of server administration, this server administrator is equivalent to the "superuser.")
Virtual host administrators can only perform tasks relating to the applications running on their own
virtual host. There are no virtual host administrators defined when the server is first installed.
Server administrators, including the default server administrator defined during installation, have
access to all virtual hosts. Server administrators can add or delete virtual host administrators using
服务器管理员可以通过管理员控制平台添加删除服务器管理员,更多信息见Adding and editing administrators
the Administration Console. For more information about adding administrators, see Adding and editing administrators.
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