
      NEW新闻 2007-8-13 17:5


(1) How the customer explained it / 客户如此描述需求 / 客人口述;
(2) How the project leader understood it / 项目经理如此理解 / 项目经理的理解;
(3) How the analyst designed it / 分析员如此设计 / 设计出来却是;
(4) How the programmer wrote it / 程序员如此编码 / 编码后变为;
(5) How the business consultant described it / 商业顾问如此诠释 / 顾问却形容它为;
(6) How the project was documented / 项目文档如此编写 / 文档把它写成;
(7) What operations installed / 安装程序如此“简洁” / 安装人员把它安装成;
(8) How the customer was billed / 客户投资如此巨大 / 收费却是如同以上一般的贵;
(9) How it was supported / 技术支持如此肤浅 / 维护队伍把它变成 ;
(10) What the customer really needed / 解密:实际需求–原来如此而客人 / 真正需要的只是; 

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