2-A Success is a Choice

      大学英语3 2006-10-1 15:43

Text A Success is a Choice


P57  5 

⒈  intense  ⒉  concept  ⒊  commited  ⒋  deserve  ⒌  selfish  ⒍  compromise  ⒎  matters  ⒏  opponent  ⒐  influence  ⒑  effort  ⒒  shortcuts  ⒓  evidence

P58  6

⒈  work at  ⒉  According to  ⒊  run through  ⒋  in sight  ⒌  live with  ⒍  a variety of  ⒎  When it comes to  ⒏  live up to

P59  9

⒈  back  ⒉  sick  ⒊  become  ⒋  only  ⒌  working  ⒍  though  ⒎  myself  ⒏  which  ⒐  of  ⒑  best  ⒒  succeed  ⒓  through

P60 10

⒈  Take Michael Jordan for example. It is easy for people to see his acheivements while nelgect the prices of blood and sweat that he has paid on the court in order to come out on top.

⒉  In the first English class, teacher conveyed a clear message to us: as the basic building blocks of the language, new words must be memorized, any other shortcut is fool's gold.

⒊  Thousands of Chinese laberers catribected greating to the construction of American's first transcontinental railroad, and their intense efforts deserve a page in American history.

⒋  When it comes to training, the coach has no problem living a variety of / all kinds of / all sorts of complaints of players, but he went compromise with any of them.

⒌  In some situation where margin between right and wrong can be as thin as eggshell, traditional enthics seem especially important.

⒍  As competition intensifies, we and our opponents are working hard to live up to higher service standards.

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