
      我的日志 2008-9-6 14:29

the keys to the beginning of success are simple and not very new.  But,  because they are simple and old,  they are not always used very much today.
This can be put in this simple way:  Business is very easy,  you get an order,  you make very good products,  you ship them on time and you give very good service and you will get more orders.  Keep doing that, and the orders grow.
Get an order, make average products,  ship late and give bad service and the orders get small and disappear.
To do this,  you need these tools
1. an honest and excellent product that is better than the customer expects.  BETTER than the customer expects. Not acceptable;  BETTER than the customer expects.
2.  the idea that shipments must be on time and that late shipments are not acceptable.  Since you are not the only person making the goods,  you must surround yourself with people who have the same idea.
3.  You must give the customer fast and courteous service--as someone else said here.  Return the calls immediately.  Answer the questions completely and quickly.  Most of all,  you must know that when the customer asks a question about an order,  it is a bad thing.  They only ask because you did not keep them informed.  They do not have a question.  Then,  they realize they have not heard from you,  then they ask you.  

Always give the customer the news before he asks you,  give it to them before they even think they need to ask.

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