My Leisure-time Hobby on Campus

      _My_Words_ 2007-12-19 21:30
I'm glad that I have some leisure time on campus where I can pursue my hobbies.

I have joined in school Computer Club because I like surf on the Internet very much. If I have any hard homework to do, I can find plenty of information on the internet to finish my homework. If I am too tired in my whole day's work. I can talk to my friends on the Internet or play some computer games to relax. With the computer there is really something for me to spend my leisure time.

I'm a member of Music Club too. I like most kinds of music, and I like a association call Shinahwa.It has 6 members in it, and all of them have a very nice voice. In other words, music is part of my life.

And I also like to do other things in my leisure time.If you have the same hobby like me, please tell me and share your feeling with me.

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