[How do you keep the music playing]

      ears 2008-3-14 7:54


       [How do you keep the music playing],James Ingram & Patti Austin,83年的经典对唱。我一直对八十年代的欧美流行有特别的感觉,也说不上来为什么,就是亲切,初听就有似曾相识的感动,往往是前奏一开始,我身上的某个阀门也随之打开,接着整个人征在那里,浑身酥酥麻麻,感觉到阳光,从头上缓缓流泻的阳光,还有泉水,从脚下汩汩涌起,慢慢将我拥抱、融化,,,及至曲终,仍未还神,恍若隔世。

       第一遍听这歌,不知是何年代作品,猜了一下,许是九十年代上下,后来bai了一下,才知是83,而且是当年的经典之作——“成人抒情男女唱將83年代表作”。83年,我被剃光了脑袋,放在一匹小木马上,表情奇怪——看来那时候就开始怕照相了……那时候的记忆几近空白,仅存几张黑白照片提醒着我:原来我是过过1983年的人。但是为什么会对八十年代的欧美流行醉心呢?那个时代的声音、影像黑洞般地吸引着我。83年,我家是断没有“欧美流行”听的(即使有我也听不懂)。然而二十多年后,初遇这些二十多年前的声音,就已经让我激动不已,像倏地被卷入时空隧道,只是不知道被时间的手拉去了哪里,只知道有阳光,有流水,有温暖,有感动,还有青青的草地,或者还有清风。。。第一次[Overjoyed]也是,前奏的水滴声,一滴一滴,落在心湖,平静被打开……于是狂爱Stevie Wonder,但对他六、七十年代的作品依旧不甚感冒。。。扯远了,听歌要紧~!~


[How do you keep the music playing]    by James Ingram & Patti Austin

How do you keep the music playing?
How do you make it last?
How do you keep the song from fading too fast?

How do you lose yourself to someone?
And never lose your ways
How do you not run out of new things to say?

And since we're always changing
How can it be the same?
And tell me how year after year
You're sure your heart will fall apart
Each time you hear his name

I know the way I feel for you
It's now or never
The more I love the more that i'm afraid
That in your eyes I may not see forever..

If we can be the best of lovers
Yet be the best of friends
If we can try with everyday to make it better as it grows
With any luck, then I suppose
The music never ends

I know the way I feel for you
It's now or never!
(How do you keep the music playing?)
The more I love the more that I'm afraid
(How do you make it last)
That in your eyes I may not see forever

If we can be the best of lovers
Yet be the best of friends
If we can try with everyday to make it better as it grows
With any luck, then I suppose
The music never ends

平静的水  被人搅浑  双眼模糊  看不见
谁在撞我  谁撞我  我在撞谁  我是谁

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