[1月12日.蘋果]天使墜落(OB 33生日文連載)

      Orli-centric 2010-1-12 23:31:00

原名:The Fall



1.        .Feeling 曾經翻過以文藝復興時代的第一章。我節錄VO轉生到現在紐西蘭背景的第五章開始。

2.        有興趣看畢全文的朋友,可以留下email給我。

3.        原文是很多小短篇合成的。我打算每天翻一段。直到Orlando33歲生日。(很久沒動筆翻譯了,多多指教




Orlando給Viggo露齒而笑了一會,把書本放在膝上。「Viggo,你沒事嗎?」沒注意到Orlando已經伸手拿了一顆蘋果,咬著一顆最紅艷艷 的果子。Viggo像披攝住似的站在門口,他看著一滴果汁沿著Orlando的唇邊緩緩流下,在快要滴下之前,被Orlando的粉紅色舌尖卷起、舔著 了。他遞出那豐厚的果肉給Viggo說:「咬一口?」



去問問白雪公主或者阿當就會知道。.( 待續)


Snow White & Apples: Snow White is a German fairytale but is probably most widely known because of the Disney cartoon. The Disney version uses the apple as the main temptation, but in the original it is the final way the wicked witch (or her own mother) tries to kill the innocent and virtuous Snow White.

In the original, Snow White fights off two previous attempts, first surviving the potentially deadly effects of a corset deliberately laced too tightly and second by surviving having her hair brushed by a poisened comb. Snow White, as Adam and Eve before her, finally succumbs to the temptation of a bright, shiny apple as seen in the Disney cartoon. The witch has poisoned it and upon eating it Snow White falls into a coma like sleep, only to be awakened by true love's kiss - of course!

Adam & Apples: According to Christian belief Adam was the first man and God gave him the Garden of Eden to live in. In Genesis 2:16-17 God tells Adam that he may eat anything in the Garden of Eden except 'the tree of knowledge of good and evil'. The bible does not say that this tree is an apple tree but it is most frequently depicted as being one, as seen in this painting by Durer. Eve is created as Adam's companion and, after listening to the Serpent, she persuades Adam to take and eat an apple. God was not happy: see this painting by Domenichino for the fallout - especially the angels at the top looking suitably shocked by the humans not following the rules. The eating of the forbidden fruit was the original sin and led to Adam and Eve being cast out of Eden.

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