披头士的《黄色潜水艇》最早发行于1969年2月,制作人Al Brodax就因这首“黄色潜水艇”突发奇想,再根据 1967年专辑《帕伯军士孤独之心俱乐部乐队》所描述的幻觉影像,而有了这具体的动画构想。电影《黄色潜水艇》是一部插图艺术创作,画风、设计自成一格,与迪士尼唯美人物造型、浪漫故事情节全然不同。我们可视《黄》为一种视觉艺术,它融合了普普艺术中采取的一连串游戏性动态组合,且游走于现实与非现实之间,非常吻合披头士60年代中晚期偏爱的超自然冥想主张,因此在《黄》中可看到色彩缤纷的图像,过多装饰性的设计,类似这样的风格动画并不多见。
Yellow Submarine
BY:The Beatles
In the town where I was born
Lived a man who sailed to sea
And he told us of his life
In the land of submarines
So we sailed off to the sun
Till we found a sea of green
And we lived beneath the waves
In our yellow submarine
We all live in a yellow submarine,
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
We all live in a yellow submarine,
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
And our friends are all aboard
Many more of them live next door
And the band begins to play
We all live in a yellow submarine,
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
We all live in a yellow submarine,
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
as we live a life of ease
Everyone of us has all we need
Sky of blue and sea of green
In our yellow submarine.
We all live in a yellow submarine,
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
We all live in a yellow submarine,
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
We all live in a yellow submarine,
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
We all live in a yellow submarine,
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine