鹰姿翱翔 The River Is Flowing
这首歌曲是一首改编曲,原曲是一首古老的传统印地安民谣,也是一首River Chant ,原意为呼唤爱惜大自然的歌曲,简单的旋律,轻快的木吉他,干净的嗓音,天籁就是如此这般. 我们现在听到的版本由1989年成立至今的Chicago Children’s Choir与印地安女声KIA共同演唱. 灵歌(SOUL MUSIC)是美国流行音乐的一个分支,起源于底特律黑人音乐,它与黑人宗教有关,有合音,转音,即兴三大特点.灵歌强调内心感情的自由表现.是真正要从心里说出来的某种东西……某种你想到的,在你心里的,你看到的和你感觉到的实实在在的东西!
The river is flowing, flowing and growing
The river is flowing, down to the sea
Earth, carry me, a child I will always be
Earth, carry me, down to the sea
From mountain to river bed, so will the fields be fed
From mountain to river bed, down to the sea
Meander through waterfall, follow the ocean’s call
Meander through waterfall, down to the sea
The river is flowing, flowing and growing
The river is flowing, back to the sea
Mother Earth carry me, the child that I will always be
Mother Earth carry me, back to the sea