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TrashCan Sinatras-Weightlifting


TrashCan Sinatras-Weightlifting

Artist:TrashCan Sinatras
Release: August 31, 2004
Label: Spin Art
来自苏格兰的独立乐队Trashcan Sinatras ,他们的音乐同样清新,安然恬静 , 旋律优美!
On Weightlifting, their fourth album, Scotland's Trashcan Sinatras tackle love, loss, and personal triumph with beauty and maturity--no easy feat in a culture teeming with cynical alt-rockers. This is a record founded on earnestness and sky-parting melodies, as the driving, anthemic "Welcome Back" makes clear: it's a song of survival from a quintet that has fought tenaciously to sustain a career while keeping its quaint musical ethos intact. Weightlifting may not be the group's masterpiece--that would be its previous album, 1996's A Happy Pocket--but this is far and away the Sinatras' most accessible album, their most carefully crafted, their prettiest. Indeed, crooner Francis Reader and company seem most at home in quieter tunes like "Leave Me Alone," "Usually," and "Weightlifting," knee deep in delicate textures, lush harmonies, and nuanced phrases. With strings and occasional horn parts, the Sinatras harken to music of bygone eras without a trace of kitsch or irony, never losing sight of the importance, in rock music, of catchy grooves and searing guitars. --Michael Mikesell
1. Welcome Back
2. Got Carried Away
3. All the Dark Horses
4. What Women do to Men
5. Freetime
6. Usually
7. It's a Miracle
8. A Coda
9. Trouble Sleeping
10. Country Air
11. Leave Me Alone
12. Weightlifting
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作者:[栀子花开] | 时间 :[12:11] | 分类:[欧美音乐]
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