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Babyface - Mad Sexy Cool girl


Babyface - Mad Sexy Cool girl

Soul Decision - No One Does It Better Than You

linkin park-my december

living to love you-sarah connor

Invisible Man

Why are we still friends

Because of you

seven days


never had a dream come ture

my humps

kylie minogue--can’t get you out of my head

love is color blind

rita eriksen_down by the salley gardens

sweetbox-everything’s gonna be alright

in the end

the corrs summer sunshine


When you say nothing at all

tamas wells - valder fields

Craig David---Unbelievable

Like A Rose

Sweet the sting---Tori Amos

洁米莉雅--Super star

Tears in Heaven-Eric Clapton

RBD - Este Corazon

Craig David---Don't Love You No More

lee baxter——you are

Chayanne深情演绎《yo te amo》

Marc Anthony---Dimelo(i need to know)

This I Promise You

Darin - B What U Wanna B

Babyface - Mad Sexy Cool girl

视听推荐——Babyface - Mad Sexy Cool girl

唱片名称: Grown & Sexy
艺人名称: Babyface
音乐类型: R&B
发行日期: 2005
Babyface - Mad Sexy Cool girl
Baby, oh yeah
Baby, oh yeah
You don’t ever bring no drama to the game
And my drama don’t be scaring you away
You dont ever talk to much
Exactly just enough
You know how and when and where and what to say
It aint like I gotta tell you your so fine (your so fine)
You been gettin complements since you was nine (damn)
Its like your perfect (…)
A dimond in the rough
I knows you give me nothin else but love (love)
You are such a mad sexy cool girl
How does someone turn into you girl
How do you explain
What you do
What you say
How you be
How you play
How you love
How your constantly the same
How you give
Never hate
And you dont ever change
Be consistantly that way
Your a mad sexy cool girl, and I love you that way
Baby, oohhhhh
You be ruling with a certain shade of cool (shade of cool)
I dont know no body half as fresh as you
I be checkin your behaviour
Oh baby you got so much flavour
Sometimes I wanna call you juicy fruit (juicy)
It aint like I gotta tell you your a star (your a star)
You be shining and be sparkling in the dark
Girl you so perfect (…)
You my dimond in the rough
I know you give me nothin else but love
You are such a mad sexy cool girl
How does someone turn into you girl
How do you explain
What you do
What you say
How you be
How you play
How you love
How your constantly the same
How you give
Never hate
And you dont ever change
Be consistantly that way
Your a mad sexy cool girl, and I love you the same
(baby) how does someone
So beautiful
So approachable
None so adourable
(baby) guess your my kinda wonderful
My dream come true
You are such a mad sexy cool girl (sexy cool girl)
How does someone turn into you girl (into you girl)
How do you explain
What you do
What you say
How you be
How you play
How you love
How your constantly the same
How you give
Never hate
And you dont ever change
Be consistantly that way
Your a mad sexy cool girl
You are such a mad sexy cool girl (ohh baby yes you are)
How does someone turn into you girl (turn into you)
How do you explain
What you do
What you say
How you be
How you play (ooohh)
How you love
How your constantly the same
How you give
Never hate
And you dont ever change (never change)
Be consistantly that way
Your a mad sexy cool girl
(Your a mad sexy cool girl)
How does someone turn into you girl
How do you explain
What you do
How you be
How you play
How you love
How your constantly the same

原名Kenneth Edmonds,1959年4月10日出生於Indiana State首府Indianapolis.是家中的六兄弟之一.六年级首次登台演出,七年级谱写出生平第一首歌曲,之后陆续加入几个R&B乐团担任主唱与吉他手.上高中前,Babyface便已开始在中西部各地的俱乐部以及饭店大厅内参加演出.1979年,Babyface组建了摇滚乐团Manchild,并正式展开他的职业音乐生涯.Manchild在Chi-Sound旗下共录制了两张专辑,口碑不错.

1981年与俄亥俄州辛辛那提市The Deele乐团的鼓手及词曲作家Antonio "L.A." Reid结识,两人一拍即合,自此成为密友及工作伙伴.他俩最大的合作便是创立了Laface唱片公司.经由babyface与最佳拍档的发掘打造,当时旗下名噪一时的R&B少女乐团TLC与美声天后Toni Braxton.让babyface这个小厂牌成为黑人音乐界的金字招牌.

做为大明星的babyface是从1989年开始的,他的第二张个人专辑<Tender Lover>卖出了200多万张,使babyface正式成为红人大踏步跨进流行圈.1991年babyface发行精选唱片<A Close Look>,紧接着1993年的双白金唱片<For The Cool In You>成为该年最佳R&B专辑.1995年是babyface音乐创作的颠峰年度,他依照参与演唱电影原声<Waiting To Exhale>的Modonna,Whitney Houston,Boyz II Men,Aretha Franklin,TLC等亲自为他们量身打造了15首歌曲,该原声带创下了700万的销售纪录.

1996年秋,babyface发行了<The Day>,爱情,家庭温情力作"The Day(That You Gave Me A Son)"出自该专辑.创作灵感来自某夜熟睡中的妻子和尚未出生的儿子,babyface在凌晨四点用了不到半小时在客厅里完成了这首歌.

babyface为自己与其他艺人一共打造了一百多首R&B与流行榜畅销曲,其中涵括了115首R&B榜Top 10,50首流行榜Top 10,以及16首流行榜冠军曲.全球累积过亿的唱片单曲销量.他获得10座葛莱美奖,5座Billboard音乐奖,以及57座全美创作学会BMI大奖,的确实至名归.

作者:[栀子花开] | 时间 :[13:38] | 分类:[欧美音乐]
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