【歌词】Feel the vibe, feel the terror, feel the pain It’s driving me insane I can’t fake For God sakes why am i Driving in the wrong lane Trouble is my middle name But in the end I’m not too bad Can someone tell me if it’s wrong to be so mad about you Mad about you Mad Are you the fishy wine that will give me A headache in the morning Or just a dark blue land mine That’ll explode without a decent warning Give me all your true hate And I’ll translate it in our bed Into never seen passion, never seen passion That it why I am so mad about you Mad about you Mad about you Mad Trouble is your middle name But in the end you’re not too bad Can someone tell me if it’s wrong to be So mad about you Mad about you Mad Give me all your true hate And I’ll translate it in your bed Into never seen passion That is why I am so mad about you Mad about you这是苏格兰威士忌芝华氏12年广告主题曲独一无二的气候环境、清冽的泉水造成了别具风情的苏格兰威士忌, 据国际法规定,只有在苏格兰境内蒸馏和醇化的才可称为苏格兰威士忌。 苏格兰威士忌以三种天然原料酿制而成:麦芽或谷物、春天的泉水和酵母, 根据用料不同分为麦芽威士忌、谷物威士忌和混合威士忌三种。 Chivas在市面上并不多见,尽管有着经典的广告平面和广告歌曲,但是广告力度并不大。 和许多洋酒一样,Chivas并不是气势汹汹的,但却以其独有的文化和品味征服着消费者。
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