Tamas Wells


Artist: Tamas Wells
Album: Mark On The Pane
Release Date: March , 2004
Label: Popboomerang
Styles: Singer/Songwriter,Indie Pop
Album list:
1. When We Do Fail Abigail
2. Broken By the Rise
3. Chandliers
4. Redueced to Clear
5. Petit Mal At a Grand Occasion
6. Even in the Crowds
7. Annalee Argyle
8. Segue in Gym
9. If You Bring Me Aubergines
10. A Dark Horse Will Either Run First or Last
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Artist: Tamas Wells
Album: A Plea en Vendredi
Release Date: March 21, 2006
Label: Popboomerang
Styles: Singer/Songwriter,Indie Pop
Album list:
1 From Prying Plans into the Fire 3:19
2 Valder Fields 2:38
3 Vendredi (Waiting Where You Can't See) 2:58
4 Lichen and Bees (The Fever of Small Tiwn Ventures) 3:05
5 Yes, Virginia, There Is a Ruling Class 1:12
6 The Opportunity Fair 2:56
7 Valour 5:10
8 The Telemarketer Resignation 2:21
9 I'm Sorry That the Kitchen Is on Fire 3:06
10 Melon Street Book Club 2:51
11 Open the Blinds 4:14
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Tamas Wells既是团名也是其中主唱的名字。这支来自澳洲墨尔本的indie-pop乐团从澳大利亚开始了自己的音乐事业,给整个澳洲乐坛带来了不小的情感冲击,通过他的第1张唱片《a mark on the pane》让他们在美国,英国,乃至日本也都有了属于他们的听众,可以说他们的音乐有种打动人心的魅力。新专辑《A Plea en Vendredi 》也是相当精彩动听!美丽的山水音乐,带着感情的简单舒缓的旋律和轻柔醉人的嗓音,让人体会这一份充满春天气息的温馨,如沐春风。静夜聆听Tamas Wells的这两张CD,你会发现他们的音乐真的是越做越好了,我们也理由相信他的第三张专辑将会更精彩!不过估计要等一年半载的,呵呵,不过好东西就是这样,花点时间去等待也值得。大家有什么感想也拿出来一起交流,分享!
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视听第一首:专辑② A Plea en Vendredi -Valder Fields
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视听第二首:专辑①A Mark On The Pane-Even In The Crowds
该贴于2006-05-27 20:34:09被清馨一瓣编辑过
这音乐,一定是Valder fields.
Rainy day, semi-sad acoustic-based indie-pop-meets-folk, Tamas Wells'A Mark on the Pane is the offering of a man that is sad, but not depressed, working through his feelings with a dose of pop to help affect the listener while giving the songwriter something to perk up about.
Gorgeous and subdued, here is an album that crawls along, giving extra thought to each note - and word - before offering them up to the listener.
It's not complex music, either. To the contrary, the melodies are simple, but it is the way they are delivered, brushed up with an ethereal air to it, giving the songs that red-eyed, late-night, remembrance that we've all experienced more than once, as we contemplate everything extra carefully while snuggling up to our favorite record. This is the perfect record for that occasion.