少女歌手Katie Melua有「翻版Norah Jones」之称,据说英女王伊利沙伯二世亦是Katie Melua的歌迷,还记得2005年3月初在伦敦白金汉宫举行「皇家音乐日」,英女王设宴招待约500名英国歌手及名人,Katie Melua正是座上客之一。这位生于前苏联国家格鲁吉亚,成长于莫斯科、北爱尔兰及伦敦等大城市的19岁小女生,凭借一把类似Eva Cassidy的透彻声线,歌路却像格林美8项大奖得主Norah Jones,擅长把流行爵士乐与乡谣、蓝调等不同音乐元素融合在一起。
两年前,曾为Art Garfunkel作曲、捧红过Vanessa Mae的著名音乐人Mike Batt慧眼识新星,推荐Katie Melua签约独立唱片公司Dramatico旗下,并亲自担任其处女大碟《Call Off The Search》监制一职,事实证明他的确眼光独到,此碟在英国推出时,成功击退Norah Jones的《Feels Like Home》,顺利登上英国大碟榜冠军宝座,为乐评人形容她做「翻版Norah Jones」一事,吐气扬眉。
The Closest Thing To Crazy
How can I think I'm standing strong?
Yet feel the air beneath my feet.
How can happiness feel so wrong?
How can misery feel so sweet?
How can you let me watch you sleep?
Then break my dreams the way you do.
How can I have got in so deep?
Why did i fall in love with you?
This is the closest thing to crazy
I have ever been.
Feeling twenty-two, acting seventeen.
This is the nearest thing to crazy
I have ever known.
But I was never crazy on my own.
And now I know
That there's a link between the two,
Being close to craziness, and being close to you
How can you let me fall apart?
Then break my fall with lovin lies.
It's so easy to break a heart,
It's so easy to close your eyes.
How can you treat me like a child?
Yet like a child I yearn for you.
How can anyone feel so wild?
How ca anyone feel so blue?
This is the closest thing to crazy
I have ever been.
Feeling twenty-two, acting seventeen.
This is the nearest thing to crazy
I have ever known.
I was never crazy on my own.
And now I know
That there's a link between the two,
Being close to craziness, and being close to you
And being close to you
And being close to you
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