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Babyface - When Can I See You


written by Babyface (1993)
performed by Babyface

When can my heart beat again
When does the pain ever end
When do the tears stop from running over
When does you'll get over it begin

I hear what you're sayin'
But I swear that it's not making sense
So when can I see you

When can I see you again
When can my heart beat again
When can I see you again
And when can I breathe once again
And when can I see you again

When does my someday begin
When I'll find someone again
And what if I still am not truly over
What am I supposed to do then

Please hear what I'm sayin'
Even if, if it's not making sense
So when can I see you


Please hear what I'm sayin'
Even if, if it's not making sense
So when can I see you

HOOK 2 times

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作者:[栀子花开] | 时间 :[19:38] | 分类:[欧美音乐]
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