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Happy New Year--ABBA


Happy new year 新年快乐!

ABBA这个曾被誉为"瑞典国宝"的四人音乐团体,由两对夫妇组成,两位先生负责词曲、乐器,太太则专司演唱,团名ABBA是取四位成员姓名的第一个英文字母组合而成。在他们的鼎盛时期,唱片从瑞典席卷欧洲直至北美大陆、全世界,不但使瑞典现代音乐声名大张,而且为瑞典赚进无数外汇,其效益足于与瑞典名品Volvo、Saab汽车旗鼓相当。推出这首歌的时候是1980年,正是该团的全盛时期,一年后,他们推出最后一张专辑"The visitors",並宣告解散,留下许多悅耳流畅、和声优美的流行名曲,使人们至今怀念这个杰出的四人演唱团体。

Happy new year--ABBA

No more champagne
And the fireworks are through
Here we are, me and you
Feeling lost and feeling blue
It's the end of the party
And the morning seems so gray
So unlike yesterday
Now's the time for us to say...
Happy new year, happy new year
May we all have a vision now and then
Of a world where every neighbor is a friend
Happy new year, happy new year
May we all have our hopes, our will to try
If we don't we might as well lay down and die
You and I
Sometimes I see
How the brave new world arrives
And I see how it thrives
In the ashes of our lives
Oh yes, man is a fool
And he thinks he'll be okay
Dragging on, feet of clay
Never knowing he's astray
Keeps on going anyway...
Seems to me now
That the dreams we had before are all dead
Nothing more than confetti on the floor
It's the end of a decade
In another ten years time
Who can say what we'll find
What lies waiting down the line
In the end of eighty-nine...

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作者:[栀子花开] | 时间 :[21:0] | 分类:[欧美音乐]
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