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Travis - Flowers in the Window




  Along with Cast, Ocean Colour Scene, Kula Shaker, and Embrace, Travis was one of the most prominent British trad rock bands in the mid- to late- '90s. Following Oasis' lead of crafting down-to-earth, heartfelt songs in the vein of classic British bands from the '60s, Travis was more successful and enduring than some of their peers due to their lively, impassioned songwriting and performances.

  The group formed in Glasgow around 1990 as something of a lark for its members, singer/songwriter Francis Healy, guitarist Andy Dunlop, drummer Neil Primrose, and bassist Dougie Payne. After finishing their studies at art school a few years later, the foursome became more serious about Travis' potential and moved to London in 1996. Their self-released debut EP, All I Wanna Do Is Rock, came out in the fall of that year; with its earnest vocals and soaring guitars, it captured the spirit of British rock at the time, which was retreating from some of Brit-pop's artiness to a back-to-basics sound.

  Their second single, 1997's "U16 Girls," was released by Independiente Records, the new label headed by former Go! Discs' director Andy MacDonald; a few months later, their critically acclaimed full-length debut Good Feeling arrived. Recorded in a matter of days with top producer Steve Lillywhite, the album included hit singles like "Happy" and "Tied to the '90s" and immediately entered the Top Ten of the U.K. charts.

  The following year, Travis began sessions with star producer Nigel Godrich for the follow-up to Good Feeling, recording in six studios in as many months. Though it was a slower, darker affair, when The Man Who appeared in 1999, it eclipsed Travis' previous successes, going platinum six times in the U.K. and spawning more hit singles such as "Why Does It Always Rain on Me?" and "Writing to Reach You." Nominated Select Magazine's Album of the Year (and finishing in the Top Ten of many other publication's year-end lists), The Man Who appeared on U.S. shores in early 2000, just in time for a tour with their musical big brothers, Oasis. Debuting at the number one spot on the U.K. album chart, The Invisible Band was issued in June 2001 just prior to stateside summer gigs with Dido. Two years later, the band issued 12 Memories.

  97年从格拉斯哥到伦敦发展的四人乐队Travis, 首张专辑"Good Feeling"开始展露融合摇滚、民谣、流行的抒情风格, 产生五首Top 40 单曲、专辑也得到Top10 成绩肯定。99年第二张大碟 "The Man Who",获得广泛共鸣,专辑跳上Top 4 并成为该年全英最畅销的专辑,而一首首陆续发表的单曲都获得了很好的成绩,这些单曲包括:Writing To Reach You、Driftwood、Why Does It Always rain On Me、Turn等,其中Why Does It Always rain On Me被Q 杂志评为99 年最佳单曲,因此Travis在2000年的Brit Awards一口气拿下最佳组合、最佳专辑等大奖。

  获得Oasis灵魂人物Noel Gallagher钦点为他最喜爱的乐队,Travis 与Oasis 联手巡演美国,马不停啼的宣传行程使Travis 成名于欧美两地,18个月后,Travis 完成全新作品The Invisible Band,依然由老拍檔 Nigel Gordrich 制作,首张单曲Sing倾诉情人间的种种心情;太阳底下,人们生而平等的Side;纪录着心情轨迹的Dear Diary;灵光乍现的Flowers In The Window;告诉大家凡事往好的地方想的Follow The Light;Safe讲的是从青涩少年到成年蜕变;如梦缥渺的情歌The Humpty Dumpty Love Song... 听着Travis,会令你重新领略人生的真正意义。


  Flowers in the Window 橱窗里的鲜花

  When I first held you 我第一次拥抱你,

  I was cold 那时候我的心是冰冷的。

  A 1)melting snowman I was told 我就像一个正在融化的雪人。

  But there was no-one there to hold 但是在你之前没人能让我拥抱,

  Before I swore that 这之前我还发誓

  I would be alone forever more 要孤单一辈子。

  Wow, look at you now 但是,现在,看看你,

  Flowers in the window 橱窗里的鲜花盛开,

  It's such a 2)lovely day 天气很好,

  And I'm glad that you feel the same 真高兴你有同样的感觉。

  'Cos to stand up out in the crowd 因为站在人群中,

  You are 3)one in a million 你是那么与众不同。

  And I love you so 我如此爱你,

  Let's watch the flowers grow 让我们一起看花开花落。

  There is 4)no reason to feel bad 没有理由感觉很糟糕,

  But there are many seasons 但是有很多时候,

  To feel glad, sad, mad 我们会感到欢喜、悲伤和疯狂。

  It's just 5)a bunch of feelings 这些感觉只是,

  That we have to hold 我们必须得经历的喜怒哀乐,

  But I am here to help you with the 6)load 但是有我跟你一起分担。

  Wow, look at you now 但是,现在,看看你,

  Flowers in the window 橱窗里的鲜花盛开,

  It's such a lovely day 天气很好,

  And I'm glad that you feel the same 真高兴你有同样的感觉。

  'Cos to stand up out in the crowd 因为站在人群中,

  You are one in a million 你是那么与众不同。

  And I love you so 我如此爱你,

  Let's watch the flowers grow 让我们一起看花开花落。

  So now we're here 现在我们在这里,

  And now is fine 现在一切都好。

  So far away from 7)there 未来还很遥远,

  And there is time, time, time 我们还有很多时间,

  To 8)plant new seeds 播下新的种子,

  And watch them grow 看着它们成长,

  So there'll be flowers in the window 这样我们离开的时候,

  When we 9)go 橱窗里还会鲜花依旧。

  Wow, look at you now 但是,现在,看看你,

  Flowers in the window 橱窗里的鲜花盛开,

  It's such a lovely day 天气很好,

  And I'm glad that you feel the same 真高兴你有同样的感觉。

  'Cos to stand up out in the crowd 因为站在人群中,

  You are one in a million 你是那么与众不同。

  And I love you so 我如此爱你,

  Let's watch the flowers grow 让我们一起看花开花落。


  1. melt这个词表示“融化,让某物融化”,比如说,The ice melted when the sun shone on it. 太阳照到冰上,冰很快就融化了。还可以说成The hot sun melted the ice. melt也可以用来表示“食物软化,溶解”,比如我们可以说,The sweet melts on the tongue. 这种糖在舌尖上就能溶化。还有,The cake melts in the mouth! 这蛋糕入口即化。melt还可以用来表示“让某人的心情因为怜爱等感情软化,心软”,Her anger melted. 她气消了。His heart melted with pity. 他因为怜悯而心软。

  2. lovely除了可以表示“可爱的,美丽的,迷人的”之外,还可以表示“令人愉快的,快乐的”,比如我们可以说a lovely dinner可口的饭菜,a lovely time 一段愉快的时间,a lovely story 一个有趣的故事。再举个例子,It's lovely and warm here. 这里的气候温暖宜人。

  3. one in a million有点“千里挑一,万里挑一”的意思,这里是说歌者在人群中一眼就能发现自己心爱的人。

  4. reason for doing sth or reason to do sth 表示“做某事的原因、理由或者动机”,比如说,Give me your reasons for going there. 告诉我你为什么要去。There is/We have good reason to believe that he is lying. 我们有充分的理由相信他在撒谎。

  5. a bunch of表示“一串,一束,一卷,一团”,比如我们可以说a bunch of bananas一串香蕉,a bunch of grapes 一串葡萄,还有a bunch of flowers一束鲜花。在歌词中,歌者把喜怒哀乐的感情比喻成一束鲜花,无论好坏,都必须拿在手里。

  6. load在这里表示“责任、忧虑、悲哀等的沉重感,负担”,比如说 a heavy load of guilt,沉重的负疚感。

  7. 歌词中的there并没有特指什么地方,而是指遥远的未来。

  8. plant表示“种植,栽种”,在歌词中作动词,比如说,We planted beans and peas in the garden. 我们在菜园里种了菜豆和豌豆。Plant in rows two feet apart. 每隔两英尺种一行。

  9. go在这里有双关的意思,一个是指离开某地,一个是指离开这个世界。

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作者:[栀子花开] | 时间 :[19:49] | 分类:[欧美音乐]
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