
      大女人 2008-9-21 23:29
有些事情的确是说不得的,一说就中。本身自嘲而已说是一约车老下雨,结果周五发现周六约车了,天气预报是阵雨,小V说:我们拜托你!!!结果周六晴空万里,我白白的打电话试图退掉,晒得更是黑黑的健康了,没料到一鼓作气的今天,开着开着,天上就开始稀稀拉拉然后非常强烈的下起雨来。我,回家的路上被淋得一塌糊涂,头痛得厉害,估计是感冒了,面爱面里面喝了碗热乎乎的面条,心理上感觉有了些补偿。 毛总看了我的记录,要我拿出行动来证明自己对感情的积极,我无言以对。我过得很茫然,我期望可以继续忙下去,或者茫下去,只是要对得起自己真心,我不怕头破血流。爱情对我而言,除了天雷地火的轰轰烈烈,这只是短短的燃烧,更多的时候,两人可以即算默默呆着也觉得开心,心灵相契,难得的像小和尚要修炼成舍利子。嗬嗬,算了吧。等待,或者be alone。。。 本身是很讨厌如此简单粘贴过来的写东西,这是这个蚂蚁的歌子实在是好听,尤其在这样阴雨的北京,秋雨过,冬意便近了。其实也是从麦迪那里知道的这个乐队,就顺便介绍下了: Ant是瑞典歌手Antony Harding的艺名。1988年开始创作,至今共发行5张专辑。详情请登录ANT官方网站——http://www.antpop.com/ 。 http://www.songtaste.com/song/40266/ When your heart breaks into many little pieces, When your heart breaks into many little pieces, oh you can hear those pieces jingling as you’re walking, as you’re walking back from her world to your own. When you’ve only a few pennies in your pocket, you can hear those pennies jangling as you’re walking, as you’re walking back from her place to your own. Oh you had a lot of love to give her, oh you had a lot of love to share, now you’ve got a lot of time to forgive her, now you’ve got a lot of time to spare. When your heart breaks into many little pieces, oh you can hear those pieces jingling as you’re walking,
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