
      balabalabala 2006-10-31 2:10








怎样才算大公司?怎样才算小公司?简单点来区分这里的大公司我们都假设为在世界各地均设有分公司办公室拥有成千上万员工的跨国公司,小公司就是那些发展良好但是不超过100人的私营国内或者国外公司。如果以一个普通的职业人最为目标研究对象,怎样选择雇主合适?还是难题:不同行业收入水平有差距,但是收入差距往往更直接体现为公司的不同。相同的行业, 做相同的业务,不同公司之间的收入差距相当大。人们习惯于选择那些能够提供更高收入水 平和福利待遇的公司,这似乎是合情合理的,但是依然有一些因素需要我们在选择时仔细考虑。



求职者大都倾向于将规模较大的机构作为衡量职业市场起落的标尺。如果报纸上大量报 道通用汽车公司,百度等大公司大量裁员的消息,人们就会推想,就业形势欠佳。这从侧面反 映了这样一个事实:求职者只将目光和赌注押在有名的大公司。我们也常常见到这样的情况,名校毕业生们对有名的大公司趋之若鹜,竞争的头破血流,这是一个很常见的、代价极 其昂贵的错误。为了提高你找到工作的速度,要特别注意那些雇员在20人以下的单位。

事实是,总有一些公司——常常是很多小公司——雇用100名甚至更少的员工。其实自1970 年以来,正是这些公司创造了2/3的新职位


在对这两家公司的发展方向、核心价值、经济实力、工作氛围、发展潜力以及该行业发 展前景、该职位的晋升空间和转型的可行度等方面综合分析后,才能知道怎样的公司最适合自己。






Big Company? Small Company?

 Working in a big company or preferring in a small company? Seems a simplest question but it is really a huge question which is absolutely not so easy to answer, might be even quite complicated. The coin has its two sides as other things in the world, we cannot say in one single sentence as big companies are good but small companies are bad or small companies are much better than big companies. According to different factors like various situation, different goals, complex questionnaires, etc. we will have quite a lot different results. And more we eem have to define what is the big company or the small company firstly? 

Here we suppose the big company is the MNC which has branches and offices and thousands of staff all over the world. On the other hand, the domestic or overseas corporation/ enterprise which develops well with less than 100 staffs we called it small company. As a general employee, how to choose an appropriate employer is still difficult: different industries have different salary standard, and the income difference is also come from different companies at the same industry. There might be huge difference of income depends on which company in the same industry and the same business. Reasonably people usually pursue those companies which could pay them higher salary or provide high level welfare but we have to consider more other factors seriously for a career.

Some companies build up your passions to an industry, meanwhile, some other companies froze your enthusiasm to nothing.


Jobhunters trend to grant big-scale organization as market index. People always suspect that situation of manpower market is pretty serious because of large reduction the staff from giants like GE, Baidu as reported. The fact reflected most applicators bet on noted big corporations. We often found many graduates from famous universities strive to very few positions of those MNCs, that is a common but totally unworthy mistake. Actually, speedy availability for a job more happened in those small companies with less 20 staffs.

The truth is almost 2/3 new positions come from some small companies with 100 or less staffs since 1970.

Developing insight, core value, strength, working environment, potential development, industry, promotion space and feasibility, all these factors should be considered as parts of analysis for a suitable company to work.

Gradually, more and more experiences made us correct our way to right career year on year, less pools on our list but the fish we get becomes bigger. That is please just choose the right pool whatever it is big or small, which depends:

There are some fishes we want,;

The fishes we are able to get.

 To be a HR director of a big group or to be a general manager of a fast-growing small company, it is up to us!


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