
这是美国最先进的预防犯罪队伍,一个十分完善的系统。在预防犯罪小组里,头头约翰-安德顿(汤姆克鲁斯Tom Cruise)没有理由有什么疑虑了……直到他成为了头号嫌疑犯。
Lady: Good luck, John.
John: Any contractions(痉挛,收缩)?
Lady: Only the ones you give me.
John: OK, Jad, what's coming?
Jad: Red ball. Double homicide. One male, one female. Killer's male, white, 40s. Agatha nailed(确定) the time frame at 8:04 a.m. The twins are little fuzzy on that, so we'll need confirmation. Location's still uncertain. Remote witnesses are plugged in. This will be case number 1108.
John: Good morning, detectives.
John: Case number 1108, previsualized by the Precogs, recorded on holosphere by Precrime's Q-stacks. My fellow witnesses for case number 1108...are Dr. Katherine James and Chief Justice Frank Pollard. Good morning.
Both: Good morning.
John: Will the witnesses preview and validate number 1108 at this time?
Chief Justice: Affirmative. I will validate.
Dr. James: Go get him.
John: Stand by.
Jad: Time of murder: 8:04 a.m.
John: That is 24 minutes, 13 seconds from now. This is a red ball.
Howard: You know how blind I am without them.
John: All right, Howard Marks, where are you?
Sarah: Howard? Howard! Breakfast!
Sarah: Four score and seven years ago...
Howard: He looked familiar.
Sarah: Who?
Howard: A man standing in the park across the street. I've seen him before.
Sarah: How can you even tell? You know how blind you are without your glasses. Where are your glasses?
Howard: I must have left them in the bedroom.
Sarah: You are running out of time.
Jad: I show eight Howard Marks in the District. Sorting by race and age.
John: Run their license and registration. See if I can capture an address here.
1、He looks familiar 他看起来很眼熟。这种look当作系动词用的方法很常见。
2、Stand by 准备。在你的数码摄象机上会见到这个短语。
3、run out of 某物储备不足,缺少。如:We are running out of money. She's running out of food.