澳大利亚小事议(Something in Australia )

      西方文化 2005-3-20 0:40
Something in Australia -1 Frillseeker

读得多了就觉得有些东西很有意思,就想贴上来跟大家分享。顺便让大家也了解一下澳洲人平时在做些什么,他们的生活和社会是什么样的。跟以前我贴上来的series一样,我不能保证每天上来贴,也不能保证一直贴下去,因为生活总是有些动荡不安,I can't promise anything. 但是至少今天打算多贴一些,因为攒了很多小东西。



Just weeks after signing up as an NRMA Member, I came across a gorgeous frilled-neck lizard on the road. Being a considerate driver, I pulled over to the side and attempted to move the lizard. Unfortunately, the lizard took off under my Barina and proceeded to wedge itself in the wheel arches.

I spent the next hour running from wheel to wheel, trying to get the lizard out from under the car—but to no avail! Finally I decided to ring NRMA and get them to remove the wheel and save the lizard.

The NRMA guys are very obliging (after they stopped laughing!) and removed the wheel. Fortunately, the lizard came out alive and well and me and my Barina were back on the road in no time at all. It pays to belong.

J Forde, Young


1。NRMA是澳洲最大的汽车保险公司。有兴趣可以到NRMA的网站http://www.nrma.com.au 上参观一下。我也是NRMA的MEMBER。我怀疑澳洲至少有一半(包括不开车的)的人是NRMA的MEMBER。因为他们提供非常全面的服务,是其他的保险公司远远不能企及的。我的MEMBERSHIP是ROAD SERVICE,就是说我的车出了任何问题,不能开了,一个电话打过去,不管你在哪儿,一小时之内一定会来一个NRMA的人,保证能让我的车上路。他们的SERVICE当然远远不止这一点,比如上面这位MEMBER讲的故事,谁听了都觉得好笑,但是他们的确为他做了这个SERVICE。


3。这篇文章是摘自NRMA的会员报OPEN ROAD。

Something in Australia -2 That's What I all servic
这是OPEN ROAD上另外一个小故事。也是够搞笑的。

That’s what I call service

On a recent visit to our local golf club, I tried without success to withdraw cash from the EFTPOS machine. After six or seven attempts, I realised I was swiping my NRMA Membership Card.

However, frustration turned to laughter on the final swipe of the card, when through the club doors walked Bob, our local NRMA service bloke. Now that’s what I call service!

K Keady, Crookwell


2。LOCAL NRMA SERVICE BLOKE:我并不清楚NRMA的SERVICE是怎么运行的,但是可以推断出肯定每个SUBURB或至少每几个SUBURB会有NRMA的一个据点,要不然他们不能保证1小时之内就能到达。我遇到过的所有的NRMA SERVICE BLOKE都是很OBLIGING的。非常热心和耐心。有时我们都说,要是没有了NRMA的ROAD SERVICE的话,澳洲的二手车市场绝对不可能这么繁荣。因为有他们的SERVICE保证,大家才能放心的开二手车上路。

Something in Australia -3 On the Edge

这个背景要先介绍一下了。这篇小东西是从社区报上摘来的。在此之前的那个星期的社区报上我读到了这个故事的前半部分,就是在Waterfall,悉尼南郊的一个区的一个过街天桥上挂了个大横幅,上书:Karly, would you marry me?这个过街天桥下面的马路是悉尼最大的一条马路,每天无数人开车经过,真算得上够浪漫的。Engadine是Waterfall附近的另一个区。

On the edge

Romantics who read last week’s Edge on Karly’s marriage proposal banner over a pedestrian bridge at Waterfall will be thrilled to know the answer was “yes”. Karly, who is from Canada, said she and her fiancée, Loudon of Engadine met while skiing in Canada, traveled around Australia, had a baby and planned to get married for sometime but “he never officially asked”.

The happy ending was marred only by the absence of the banner when the couple went to retrieve it for posterity.

Something in Australia -4 这一个比较恐怖


“I know where babies come from,” a kindergarten child yelled recently while shopping with her grandmother at Sylvania Southgate. Nanny’s frantic efforts to head off the topic failed miserably as the little girl continued at full volume. “See, Nanny, if you eat too much, you get a baby,” she said. “My mum eats all the time and look what happened to her!”

也是摘自社区报“Leader”。Sylvania Southgate是一个shopping centre。我也老在那里shopping。可惜没碰到过这么有趣的话题。


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