挪威——反差之国(A Land of Contrasts )

      西方文化 2005-3-19 23:36
A wit once said that Norway was a land for people with a taste for the unusual. With its long distances, scattered population and outstanding natural beauty, this outpost on the edge of Europe is a land of contrasts – a heady mix of spectacular scenery and high technology. Visitors will find a country of dramatic landscapes, pure air, clean water and an abiding respect for tradition. But they also encounter up-to-date cities and an efficient network of air, rail and road connections. A country of contrasts. A country for those with a taste for the unusual.


Climate 气候
Not many nationalities have such an intense love-hate relationship with their weather as the Norwegians do. There are good reasons for this however. Arctic temperatures hold a large part of the country in their iron grip throughout the long winter months. In the northernmost parts of the country winter is a seemingly endless night and in the summer the sun barely touches the horizon before rising again to cast its rays over seas, mountains and the far northern tundra.


In the south the summers are warm with temperatures equaling those of southern Europe. In spring and autumn, the landscape also has a special charm – created by the way the light is reflected off the steep, rain-wet mountainsides, the clear crystal water of the lakes and fjords, or the high peaks with their mantles of eternal snow.

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