There you will be

      Voodoo影音 2005-3-17 17:26
出道八年,美国“国民天后”费丝希尔(Faith hill)显然已成为近年流行歌坛缔造最多纪录和惊人成就的顶级女歌手,我们记得费丝希尔得奖无数,风光排行榜,记得她是时尚界最爱,是媒体宠儿,名列People杂志三届全球最美人物,家庭形象深植人心…但真正成就这连串“费丝现象”,感染人心的根源,其实就是她的歌声,不管是《This Kiss》的甜美可人,还是《Breathe》的款款深情,费丝希尔成功的以自己的歌声和全面的音乐才情征服歌坛,如今费丝希尔的音乐已经拥有48座音乐奖项肯定,并写下全球2500万张的销售佳绩。这里为大家介绍的是她的经典之作《There you will be》,即电影《珍珠港》的主题曲。

BTW(By The Way)
2002年秋天,费丝希尔终于在歌迷殷切等待下推出个人第五张专辑《Cry》,一方面选择回归自己的福音音乐根源,一方面结合乡村、摇滚、节奏蓝调与流行的新鲜风情,专辑中注入喜悦、绝望、热情、泪水等情绪,不管快乐或悲伤,从爱情、家庭、人生自主、关怀意识等各方面都带领我们触动最原始的情绪。费丝再度与老搭档Bryon Gallimore、Dann Huff共同担任制作人,并延揽《史密斯飞船》制作人Marti Frederiksen,企图打造灵魂最深处的质量,特别是唱腔的部分堪称她出道来最佳表现,就是Marti与费丝首度合作的作品,概念发酵在整张专辑中,《Cry》写下费丝希尔个人在美国乡村电台初进榜及今年新歌纪录。

There you will be (动漫欣赏)
when i think back on these times,
and the dreams we left behind
i'll be glad cause i was blessed to get,
to have you in my life
when i look back on these days,
i'll look and see your face
you're right there for me
in my dreams i'll always see you soar above the skies
in my heart there'll always be a place for you, for all my life

i'll keep a part of you with me,
and everywhere i am there you'll be

and everywhere i am there you'll be
well, you showed me how it feels,
to feel the sky within my reach
and i always will remember all,
the strength you gave to me
your love made me make it through, oh, i owe so much to you
you were right there for me
in my dreams i'll always see you soar above the skies
in my heart there'll always be a place for you, for all my life

i'll keep a part of you with me,
and everywhere i am there you'll be

cause i always saw in you my life, my strength
and i wanna thank you now for all the ways,
you were right there for me
you were right there for me, oh, yeah
in my dreams i'll always see you soar above the skies
in my heart there'll always be a place for you, for all my life

i'll keep a part of you with me,
and everywhere i am there you'll be
and everywhere i am there you'll be
there you'll be

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