Alicia Keys于98年加入Arista Records唱片公司,她强而有力的嗓音和积极兴奋的现场演唱,加上经受专门训练的钢琴表演,在芸芸众生的新生代歌手中脱颖而出。99年底,Alicia与前Ariata音乐厂牌创办人Clive Davis另起炉灶成立的J签下一纸唱片合约后,人生从此有了大不同。2001年,几乎拿下今年各颁奖中最佳新人的Alicia在本届格莱美中,她更是以全美排行六周冠军曲《Fallin'》入围年度最佳唱片、歌曲,新人、R&B类最佳专辑、歌曲与女歌手六项提名。那就赶快来听一下她的这首《fallin》吧。
BTW(By The Way)
Alicia Keys出生在纽约的黑人聚居区Harlem,身上却流着一半的白人血液,5岁起便展现了过人的音乐天赋,16岁获得了哥伦比亚大学的入学许可。不久她为自己的将来断然做出一个明智的选择--毅然放弃大学生活,将全部的精力投入到音乐中。
keep on fallin in love with you
sometimes i love ya
sometimes you make me blue
sometimes i feel good
at times i feel used
obey you darling
makes me so confused
i keep on fallin in and out of love with you
i never loved someone way that i loved you
oh,oh,oh i never felt this way
how do you give me so much pleasure
and cause me so much pain
just when i think i've taken more than would a fool
i start fallin back in love with you
i keep on fallin in and out of love with you
i never loved someone way that i loved you(oh baby)
i keep on fallin in and out of love with you
i never loved somebody way that i love you
by lune
the end
BTW(By The Way)
Alicia Keys出生在纽约的黑人聚居区Harlem,身上却流着一半的白人血液,5岁起便展现了过人的音乐天赋,16岁获得了哥伦比亚大学的入学许可。不久她为自己的将来断然做出一个明智的选择--毅然放弃大学生活,将全部的精力投入到音乐中。
keep on fallin in love with you
sometimes i love ya
sometimes you make me blue
sometimes i feel good
at times i feel used
obey you darling
makes me so confused
i keep on fallin in and out of love with you
i never loved someone way that i loved you
oh,oh,oh i never felt this way
how do you give me so much pleasure
and cause me so much pain
just when i think i've taken more than would a fool
i start fallin back in love with you
i keep on fallin in and out of love with you
i never loved someone way that i loved you(oh baby)
i keep on fallin in and out of love with you
i never loved somebody way that i love you
by lune
the end