昨日重现(Yesterday once more)

      Voodoo影音 2005-3-13 15:38
卡彭特乐队由著名的歌星卡彭特与她哥哥理查德·卡彭特组成,卡伦·卡彭特1950年生于美国康耐狄格州,从小在哥哥的影响下学习乐器,成了一名鼓手,大她三岁的哥哥理查德是个非常有才华的青年,担任钢琴伴奏和制作人,并创作了大量歌曲。后来在著名经纪人德纽文的帮助下,进入了美国流行乐坛。卡伦·卡彭特嗓音优美,演唱亲切自然,略带伤感,加之他们运用了多轨录音技术,因此他们的唱片无论在艺术上或技术上都非常成功,是当代流行音乐的精品。《Yesterday once moer》这首经典之作再次展现给大家。

BTW(By The Way)
1970年一曲《靠近你》(Close To You)荣登排行榜首,这使卡彭特乐队一炮走红,70年代中他们不断有佳作闻世,成为无数美国青年的偶像,尼克松总统称卡彭特兄妹是最出色的美国青年。令人婉惜的是卡伦·卡彭特年仅32岁便过早地离去。 她死于神经性厌食症。 这是由于她为了保持身材的苗条,长期服用轻泻剂,与长期节食的严重后果。1983年2月4日她死于深爱她的父母怀中。

Yesterday Once More(动漫欣赏版一)(动漫欣赏版二)

when i was young i'd listen to the radio
waiting for my favorite songs
when they played i'd sing along,
it make me smile.
those were such happy times and not so long ago
how i wondered where they'd gone.
but they're back again just like a long lost friend
all the songs i love so well.
every shalala every wo'wo
still shines.
every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they're starting to sing
so fine
when they get to the part
where he's breaking her heart
it can really make me cry
just like before.
it's yesterday once more.
(shoobie do lang lang)
looking bak on how it was in years gone by
and the good times that had
makes today seem rather sad,
so much has changed.
it was songs of love that i would sing to them
and i'd memorise each word.
those old melodies still sound so good to me
as they melt the years away
every shalala every wo'wo still shines
every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they're startingto sing
so fine
all my best memorise come back clearly to me
some can even make me cry
just like before.
it's yesterday once more.
(shoobie do lang lang)
every shalala every wo'wo still shines.
every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they're starting to sing
so fine
every shalala every wo'wo still shines.
every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they're starting to sing
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