随风飘荡(Blowing in the Wind)

      Voodoo影音 2005-3-12 18:22
Bob Dylan是继猫王之后,最受敬仰及赞誉的美国艺人,与英国的The Beatles共同在60年代开启了一场不仅影响音乐、甚而政治及宗教的文化革命。 1941年5月24日生于美国明尼苏达州Duluth市的Bob,本名是Robert Allen Zimmerman,基于崇拜名诗人Dylan Thomas的原因,而取"Bob Dylan"做为他的艺名,以期许自己的音乐成就能如Dylan Thomas一般。今天给大家介绍的这首歌曲《随风飘荡》是鲍勃·狄伦挤入世界歌坛的代表作品。1962年创作并演出,成为当时60代的标志与象征。这首歌中所陈述的思想内容、社会问题及立场观点也是鲍勃·狄伦的核心精神。1963年,年轻的狄伦曾参加了华盛顿领导的公民权运动的大游行,这首《随风飘荡》的风调也在流行队伍上空回荡。被人们奉誉为争取民权运动的圣歌,激励了整整一代青年。

By The Way (BTW)
超过三十年的音乐生涯,Bob Dylan以启发人性的摇滚精神及对政治、社会现象的声讨、批判,成为后辈仿效的指针,为他赢得"文化英雄"、"摇滚斗士"、"天才诗人"等美名,而88年的晋身"摇滚名人殿堂"、91年的获颁格莱美"终生成就奖"更可说是实至名归。在第44届格莱美中,Bob又以全新专辑《Love And Theft》入围“年度专辑”、“最佳摇滚男歌手”提名,他的成就,早已遥遥超过他所崇拜的诗人Dylan Thomas之上了。

Blowing in the Wind(在线收听)

how many roads must a man walk down
before they call him a man
how many seas must a white dove sail
before she sleeps in the sand
how many times must the cannon balls fly
before they're forever banned
the answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind
the answer is blowing in the wind

how many years must a mountain exist
before it is washed to the sea
how many years can some people exist
before they're allowed to be free
how many times can a man turn his head
and pretend that he just doesn't see
the answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind
the answer is blowing in the wind

how many times must a man look up
before he can see the sky
how many ears must one man have
before he can hear people cry
how many deaths will it take
'till he knows that too many people have died
the answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind
the answer is blowing in the wind
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