金色的田野(Fields of gold)

      Voodoo影音 2005-2-23 9:7
Sting(斯汀)是一个被当今乐坛冠以诗人歌手美名的摇滚乐坛传奇人物。1951年10月2,Sting出生于英国沃森德的一个工作家庭,20岁出头,他开始参加一些半职业的爵士组合。1977年,与Stewart Copeland,Andy Summers组建了The Police(警察)乐队。但不幸的是,该乐队在线极一时后于1983年解散。Sting大约在1982年便开始了自己的独唱生涯,并不断推出脍炙人口的好歌……这里给大家带来的是他的经典作品之一《金色的田野》。

BTW(By The Way)《金色的田野》是宝丽公司在1994年底为Sting推出的主打歌曲。该专辑是Sting历年来的名曲大荟萃,名字叫做《金色的田野1984—1994》。此专辑一上市,就很快受到了广大歌迷的青睐,十分热销。

fields of gold(动漫欣赏)

you'll remember me when the west wind moves
upon the fields of barley
you'll forget the sun in his jealous sky
as we walk in fields of gold

so she took her love
for to gaze awhile
upon the fields of barley
in his arms she fell as her hair came down
among the fields of gold
will you stay with me, will you be my love
among the fields of barley
we'll forget the sun in his jealous sky
as we lie in fields of gold

see the west wind move like a lover so
upon the fields of barley
feel her body rise when you kiss her mouth
among the fields of gold

i never made promises lightly
and there have been some that i've broken
but i swear in the days still left
we'll walk in fields of gold
we'll walk in fields of gold

many years have passed since those summer days
among the fields of barley
see the children run as the sun goes down
among the fields of gold
you'll remember me when the west wind moves
upon the fields of barley
you can tell the sun in his jealous sky
when we walked in fields of gold
when we walked in fields of gold
when we walked in fields of gold

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