Flash Reserved Word Listing

      网摘 2006-4-20 6:31



Flash Reserved Word Listing
Flash Player 2 on
Flash Player 3 ifFrameLoaded
Flash Player 4 add, and, break, case, continue, default, do, else, eq, ge, gt, if, le, lt, ne, not, or, switch, tellTarget, while
Flash Player 5 delete, for, function, in, new, onClipEvent, return, this, typeof, var, void, with
Flash Player 6 instanceof
Flash Player 7 catch, finally, throw, try
ActionScript 2.0 - Flash Player 6 class, dynamic, extends, get, implements, import, interface, intrinsic, private, public, set, static
"Special" Functions and Constants call, duplicateMovieClip, eval, fscommand, getProperty, getTimer, getURL, getVersion, gotoAndPlay, gotoAndStop, int, length, loadMovie, loadMovieNum, loadVariables, loadVariablesNum, mbchr, mblength, mbord, mbsubstring, NaN, nextFrame, nextScene, Number, ord, play, prevFrame, prevScene, print, printNum, random, removeMovieClip, set, setProperty, startDrag, stop, stopAllSounds, stopDrag, substring, targetPath, toggleHighQuality, trace, unloadMovie, unloadMovieNum
Reserved for future use abstract, boolean, byte, char, const, debugger, double, enum, export, final, float, goto, int, long, native, package, protected, short, synchronized, throws, transient, volatile
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