[Forward]How to Care for a Vizsla

      我是谁 About 2006-3-28 10:39
How to Care for a Vizsla

Regal in appearance, the vizsla is a happy dog that enjoys just about anybody's company. They are an active breed and need a lot of exercise. The main key to a happy vizsla is an abundance of human affection.

1. Vaccinate your vizsla when you first get him and then get yearly booster vaccinations to maintain the dog's immunity to diseases. Also worm your adult dog every three months and consult your veterinarian about flea-control products.

2. Feed your vizsla high-grade dog food. The first ingredient should be meat if you want a quality product. Crude protein should be no less than 30 percent and crude fat no less than 20 percent. The fiber content should be 4 percent or less.

3. Understand that vizslas are happy to be indoors as long as they get enough daily exercise.

4. Walk and run your vizsla once or twice a day. This is an energetic breed that needs a lot of activity off-leash, as well. They are also excellent swimmers and are great at tracking and retrieving.

5. Properly fence your backyard. Vizslas are jumpers and can clear fences of 6 feet or higher.

6. Socialize and train your vizsla at early age to get used to noises. They have a tendency to become easily distracted. Be sure to use positive reinforcement when training, as they are sensitive.

7. Expect your vizsla to remain with you at all times. They are very attached to people and need companionship.

8. Brush and shampoo your vizsla's coat only when necessary. Use dry shampoo - a powder that is used on the coat and then brushed out. They are a relatively clean breed, with average shedding, and do not require much grooming.

9. Trim nails every two to three weeks.

10. Know that vizslas are prone to certain health conditions. These include skin and food allergies, a sensitivity to anesthesia, and hip dysplasia (a malformed ball and socket in the hip joint).

11. Note that male vizslas will be 22 to 26 inches tall when full-grown and will weigh 45 to 60 pounds. Females will grow to 20 to 24 inches and will weigh 40 to 55 pounds.

12. Be prepared to enjoy a fruitful 12 to 15 years with this dog, as this is the average life expectancy of a vizsla.

Contact the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals to learn more about hip dysplasia.

Despite their large size, vizslas consider themselves lapdogs.

Be sure to provide your vizsla with plenty of toys to chew on. If he is left alone for a long period of time or becomes bored, your vizsla is likely to chew up your house.

Tips from eHow Users:
Prevent Separation Anxiety by eHow Friend
I found that a tightly stuffed kong works wonders, as does a fairly loud talk radio show. If all else fails, use a citronella, not a shocking collar. I used one for a few weeks and it worked so well we have never had to use it again!
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