Bobby 和 泡泡,两个混北京的小流氓,大名波士顿梗。啥叫梗?就是狗狗里的小侏儒,可他俩还种族歧视呢,看不起俺是东欧的出身,多没自知之明啊!瞧瞧他们老爹给拍的照照,活象两个马戏班做算术的小丑。
Bobby and Paopao, the two guys are brothers, their breed is Boston Terrier. What is terrier? That is a kind of dwarf dogs. Even so, the two guys are racists, they hold me in contempt coz my ancestors were from East Europe (Learn from their daddy). Such silly dogs! Take a look at the pics taken by their daddy, they look like two clowns performing a counting circus act!



Bobby and Paopao, the two guys are brothers, their breed is Boston Terrier. What is terrier? That is a kind of dwarf dogs. Even so, the two guys are racists, they hold me in contempt coz my ancestors were from East Europe (Learn from their daddy). Such silly dogs! Take a look at the pics taken by their daddy, they look like two clowns performing a counting circus act!


