类别 第一名 第二名 第三名
博客搜索类 Technorati Bloglines Findory
书签类 Ma.gnolia Furl Clipmarks
图书类 Lulu Biblio Library Thing
商业类 Squidoo Instant Bull Shopify
城市搜索和评论类 Yelp Judy's Book Yahoo! Local
分类和目录类 Craigslist Oodle vFlyer
协作写作和文字处理类 Google Docs and Spreadsheets Writeboard ThinkFree
通信类 Meebo Campfire MailEmotion
内容聚合和管理类 Wufoo ProjectStat.us EditGrid
数字存储和远程访问类 Omnidrive Esnips TotoExpress
活动类 Upcoming Eventful Confabb
种子管理类 Feedburner Attensa BlogBridge
笑话类 Cocktail Builder One Sentence Fuzzmail
游戏类 Arcaplay Games2Web Guess-The-Google
保健类 PEERtrainer Medstory Healia
维基服务类 Wetpaint PBwiki Stikipad
排名和投票类 43 Things Statsaholic Listdump
地图类 Google Maps Wayfaring Frappr
营销类 Intellicontact Conduit PlugIM
整合服务类 Ning Boxxet Coverpop
移动技术类 Twitter Plusmo JuiceCaster
音乐类 Pandora Last.fm Discrevolt
网络桌面类 Goowy Desktoptwo EyeOS
办公应用类 Google Apps Zoho Backpack
慈善事业类 Care2 Donor Choose Be Green Now
图片和数字照片类 Flickr Picasa Picnik
播客服务类 Odeo PodShow PodOmatic
专业网络类 LinkedIn Spoke Xing
提问和建议类 Yahoo! Answers Minti Say-So
房地产类 Zillow HousingMaps iiProperty
零售类 Threadless Etsy WipBox
搜索类 Rollyo Swicki Pipl
社交网站类 Facebook Mingle2 Pipl
社交新闻类 Digg Reddit Newsvine
社交标签类 Del.icio.us StumbleUpon BlinkList
首页类 Netvibes PageFlakes Personalized Google
旅游类 Farecast Kayak RealTravel
视频类 YouTube Dailymotion Metacafe
视觉艺术类 ColorBlender Swivel The Broth
网页开发和设计类 CakePHP Prototype Javascript Framework Yahoo! UI
维基类 YourMinis SpringWidgets Flock
Category |
Blog Guides |
Bookmarking |
Books |
Business |
City Guides & Reviews |
Classifieds and Directories |
Collaborative Writing and Word Processing |
Communication |
Content Aggregation and Management |
Digital Storage and Remote Access |
Events |
Feed Management |
Fun Stuff |
Games |
Health |
Hosted Wikis |
Lists and Polls |
Mapping |
Marketing |
Mashups |
Mobile Technology |
Music |
Online Desktop |
Organization |
Philanthropy |
Photos and Digital Images |
Podcast Services |
Professional Networking |
Questions and Advice |
Real Estate |
Retail |
Search |
Social Networking |
Social News |
Social Tagging |
Start Pages |
Travel |
Video |
Visual Arts |
Web Development and Design |
Widgets |