Essential Feature: A pattern of disregard for, and violation of, the rights of others. Deceit and manipulation are integral behaviors (DSM IV?, 1994).
Self Image: APDs have a grandiose sense of self-worth (Stone) and view themselves as free and unconfined by obligations (Millon).
View of Others: APDs view others with contempt and detachment. They do not care what happens to other people (Benjamin). Others are valued only for their utility for the APD (McWilliams). Kernberg describes APDs as having "malignant grandiosity."
Relationships: APDs can be gracious, cheerful, and clever when things go their way. However, they are easily provoked to attack; the APD inclination is to demean and to dominate. APDs are sensitive to the moods and feelings of others and use their perceptiveness to manipulate (Millon).
Authority Issues: APDs disdain society's rules; they know right from wrong, they just don't care (Oldham). APDs are often in trouble with the law. If effective, they may limit themselves to running cons on others and develop a talent for pathological lying (Millon).
Behavior: Many people shy away from APDs because of their intimidating, brusque and belligerent manner. APDs are seen as callous, argumentative, and contentious. They can be abusive and cruel (Millon).
Affective Issues: Shallow and superficial, APDs rarely experience guilt. They are unable to tolerate boredom, depression, or frustration (Sperry). Even if APDs improve later in life, they remain irritable, angry, isolated, and tense (Oldham).
Defensive Structure: APD involves a basic failure of human attachment and a reliance on primitive defenses (McWilliams). APDs evidence low frustration tolerance and danger seeking behavior; they feel immune to danger (Millon). For APDs, exerting power takes precedence over all other behaviors (McWilliams).
Essential Feature: A pattern of disregard for, and violation of, the rights of others. Deceit and manipulation are integral behaviors (DSM IV?, 1994).
Self Image: APDs have a grandiose sense of self-worth (Stone) and view themselves as free and unconfined by obligations (Millon).
View of Others: APDs view others with contempt and detachment. They do not care what happens to other people (Benjamin). Others are valued only for their utility for the APD (McWilliams). Kernberg describes APDs as having "malignant grandiosity."
Relationships: APDs can be gracious, cheerful, and clever when things go their way. However, they are easily provoked to attack; the APD inclination is to demean and to dominate. APDs are sensitive to the moods and feelings of others and use their perceptiveness to manipulate (Millon).
Authority Issues: APDs disdain society's rules; they know right from wrong, they just don't care (Oldham). APDs are often in trouble with the law. If effective, they may limit themselves to running cons on others and develop a talent for pathological lying (Millon).
Behavior: Many people shy away from APDs because of their intimidating, brusque and belligerent manner. APDs are seen as callous, argumentative, and contentious. They can be abusive and cruel (Millon).
Affective Issues: Shallow and superficial, APDs rarely experience guilt. They are unable to tolerate boredom, depression, or frustration (Sperry). Even if APDs improve later in life, they remain irritable, angry, isolated, and tense (Oldham).
Defensive Structure: APD involves a basic failure of human attachment and a reliance on primitive defenses (McWilliams). APDs evidence low frustration tolerance and danger seeking behavior; they feel immune to danger (Millon). For APDs, exerting power takes precedence over all other behaviors (McWilliams).