著名美国报纸专栏作家Dave Barry出书记叙他在日本旅游的所见所闻。其中一节,写他在广岛参观原子弹纪念馆。
"I found myself weeping, out of sorrow and helplessness and guilt. But I also felt anger. Because the way the museum presents it, the atomic bomb was like a lightning bolt--something nobody could foresee, and nobody could prevent. It was as though one day, for no reason, the Americans came along, literally out of the blue, and did this horrible thing to these innocent people.
I don't know if it's possible to justify what happened to Hiroshima--I certainly wouldn't try to justify it to the victims' families. But I found myself wanting to shout to the other museum visitors: Do you know WHY my country did this? Do you wonder what would make a civilized country do such a thing?"
一九四二年一月三日。美国爱荷华州一户姓苏利文的人家,有五兄弟一齐报名参军:约瑟夫、法兰西斯、阿尔伯特、麦迪逊、乔治。海军规定家属不能在一起服役,但情同手足的五兄弟坚持要上同一艘船,而海军最终同意让他们全部分配在USS Juneau上。
同年十一月十三日,在以惨烈而名垂青史的瓜达康纳尔战役(the Battle of Guadalcanal)中,USS Juneau被日本潜艇I-26击沉,五兄弟全部殉难。
一九四三年四月四日,一艘崭新的驱逐舰离开了旧金山的港口。它的名字:USS The Sullivans。
I vow to thee, my country, all earthly things above,
Entire and whole and perfect, the service of my love:
The love that asks no question, the love that stands the test,
That lays upon the altar the dearest and the best;
The love that never falters, the love that pays the price,
The love that makes undaunted the final sacrifice.
著名美国报纸专栏作家Dave Barry出书记叙他在日本旅游的所见所闻。其中一节,写他在广岛参观原子弹纪念馆。
"I found myself weeping, out of sorrow and helplessness and guilt. But I also felt anger. Because the way the museum presents it, the atomic bomb was like a lightning bolt--something nobody could foresee, and nobody could prevent. It was as though one day, for no reason, the Americans came along, literally out of the blue, and did this horrible thing to these innocent people.
I don't know if it's possible to justify what happened to Hiroshima--I certainly wouldn't try to justify it to the victims' families. But I found myself wanting to shout to the other museum visitors: Do you know WHY my country did this? Do you wonder what would make a civilized country do such a thing?"
一九四二年一月三日。美国爱荷华州一户姓苏利文的人家,有五兄弟一齐报名参军:约瑟夫、法兰西斯、阿尔伯特、麦迪逊、乔治。海军规定家属不能在一起服役,但情同手足的五兄弟坚持要上同一艘船,而海军最终同意让他们全部分配在USS Juneau上。
同年十一月十三日,在以惨烈而名垂青史的瓜达康纳尔战役(the Battle of Guadalcanal)中,USS Juneau被日本潜艇I-26击沉,五兄弟全部殉难。
一九四三年四月四日,一艘崭新的驱逐舰离开了旧金山的港口。它的名字:USS The Sullivans。
I vow to thee, my country, all earthly things above,
Entire and whole and perfect, the service of my love:
The love that asks no question, the love that stands the test,
That lays upon the altar the dearest and the best;
The love that never falters, the love that pays the price,
The love that makes undaunted the final sacrifice.