QT IDE-Monkeystudio for windows XP

      程序语言 2007-3-7 20:58:00

Monkeystudio是在QT4开源版下开发的多操作系统下的QT4+MinGw集成开发环境,支持C++/QT语法高亮。最新版可从http://www.monkeystudio.org/。下载完后,可以根据不同的操作系统编译成Window版,Linux等。附件是一个我在WinXP下编译的版本(2006.1.6.0-d-1.0.1),测试环境为WinXP SP2 简体中文+MinGW 5.1.3+QT4.2.2 OpenSource Editon。

附件: http://pickup.mofile.com/6836809609734057

Monkey Studio is a cross platform Qt 4 IDE that allow developers creating Qt 4 applications the same way on all platforms that Qt 4 suports. It only use pro files to manage your projects and is ready to go! Monkey Studio is developed using Qt 4 Open Source.

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