翻唱中古动画歌-《the probationer and the priestess》(罗德斯岛战记)

      Milk 2006-4-8 12:17


以下是用Audition录音的学习心得,没兴趣者请自动跳过:P ——

第一次压限,不太会调,所以用的预置好的vocal选项。不过耳朵不灵光,没感觉有什么特别。这次除了试验压限效果外,也是自己第一次认真弄消音伴奏。因为这首歌原唱的声音太强大了,按照人家教程上写的用图示均衡器去弄根本就没用,汗…直接消音后音乐效果又很差。最后想出个傻办法,把有人声和没有人声的地方分成两个声轨,有人声的第一轨用[通道混合器]vocal off直接消音,然后[通道混合器]中[交换通道]做一下使声音有点立体感(别问这是啥,俺不懂,就是一个个试效果就这个还凑合),再用[全部混响]的[Theatre (Crisp)]选项混响一下就差不多了。另外没有人声的第二轨多复制出一轨(第三轨),第二轨也用vocal off处理一下,然后三轨的音量分别调到2、-3、-3,这样没有人声的部分就是第二轨和第三轨的混合,使纯乐部分音质不会太好而和有人声的部分对比起来太过突兀。然后三轨混缩成一个文件。打开这个做好的伴奏,再降噪、压限一下,嗯,比一开始好很多呢!!!



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The Probationer and the Priestess

The clouds are gray, and on his way
Notorious spirits arise to play

Around this isle, where once the bile
Of the god of War surveyed every mile

Although uncertain he decides to go
His hope is simple: to stand in a row
Of knights of swords and bows

A black nightmare freezes her hair
It almost seizes her mind so rare

As every night a trace of light
Takes her alone in an eerie sight

And in her vision lies a maid so frail
An incantation echoes like the wail
Of people worn and pale

Waiting for his return, a boy plays
Tunes that take him back to the days
Of the Great Six, the brilliant epic never fades

She knows for whom she'll face the doom
As long as this isle is someone's tomb

He wonders why they all come by
To help him, though his ideal so high

She never hesitates to exercise
Her mystic insight and to help the wise
From Fate she never hides

Waiting for his return, a boy sings
Songs the ancient song for their kings
To his lute swirls the air
And you may hear the rings
La, la, la
La, la, la,la,la
And you may hear the rings
La, la, la
And you may hear the rings

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