万年不变纯美的歌声-林明美的《To Be In Love》(太空堡垒)

      Espreso 2006-1-13 16:9

嗯,借这次机会怀念一下太空堡垒,把明美的原音放出来听听。不过俺唱得比明美差多了nie,先不献丑了 T_T


vocal:Roba West

[Monolog:Sometimes I dreamed with open eyes,
                  I dream of falling in love.]

To be in love,
Must be the sweetest feeling that a girl can feel.
To be in love,
to live a dream.

With somebody you care about like no one else,
A special man,
a dearest man.

Who needs to share his life with you alone,
Who'll hold you close and feel things
that only love brings
to know that he is all your own.

To be my love,
My love must be much more than any other man.
To be my love,
to share my dream.

My hero he must take me where no other can
Where we will find,
a brand new world.

A world of things we've never seen before,
Where silver suns have golden moons,
Each year has thirteen Junes,
That's what must be for me--

To be in love~

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